Thursday, September 05, 2013

So I am sitting here with The Imperial Death March playing in my mind over and over. I read about Syria this and Syria that. Republicans Democrats Progessives Conservatives NeoCons Fairies... hell.. everyone is expressing doubt about all this. Everyone is pointing fingers at each other. Evidence points to nerve gas being used by BOTH sides... The enemy is suddenly our ally. Obama is wanting to shoot rockets at Syria in support of people who we are using drones to kill 10 miles away across the border.... The world is saying dont shoot!!!.... Obama seems to be under some sorta mind control.... and yet The Imperial Death March still seems to be playing subtly in the background... why do i sense somewhere Senator Palpatine is laughing.

by the way, The Imperial Death March is also called "Darth Vader's Theme"

It just seems like this is some sorta movie where someone is pulling puppet strings on Obama, Putin, Assad and others... to start a war.

Monday, September 02, 2013

So School started the other day... and it really seems to be a different stage. A different much bigger school. Far more students (1400 kids)... and different schedule of classes including band... We think Ryles will be doing archery this Fall with I-Man doing soccer as well...

Sunday, September 01, 2013

A great win last night.... I am interested to see how the rest of this season plays out. I have been tasked to escort the visiting bands this season, which has its pros and cons. Pros?... i get to go to the games for free, field pass thru out the game and a parking pass in the Brooks parking lot. Con's?... well... i kinda am expected to be there. This season is pretty doable because the games are actually very spread out between Thursday night games, Away games and off weekends. The atmosphere last night was pretty electric....