Thursday, January 30, 2014

Well... today I had a doctor appt. I was certainly impressed with my new doctor. Very thorough and seemed to cover everything. To the point I came away feeling very mortal. I need to focus in more on my diet and well being... stat. She had me get a TDAP shot. And it took a bit but then caused perhaps the biggest headache I have ever had. Considering I can only remember lesson than 5 my entire life it is something. That... and the ache of my arm and stuff... I bolted work early to come home and rest...

But I came away from my Dr visit encouraged that I have someone I can trust to help me during my visits. I just have to be responsible and accountable the rest of the time...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So today was a "snow day"... i must admit that despite that fact that it really only snowed about 1 to 2 inches here (much more downstate - rare that is), it was extremely hazardous driving home last night.... Somuch so that for the first time that I can ever remember, i almost lost control driving. The All Wheel Drive was not liking the solid sheet of ice until i switched into the M/S mode and lowered the gearing... then it was pretty much smooth sailing from then on. Kids had a low-key time playing in the snow...
i think the newness of "snow" has pretty much played out. Now it is more about getting out of school and sitting around playing video games all day.... They also have tomorrow off and well... i don't. Back to work for me.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What? You have just GOT to be kidding me?

1365 students were given the geography test at i-man's school and 29 were chosen to compete in the Geography Bee. Five rounds eliminated the contestants down to 10. Nine more rounds whittled it down to the final 3 students. I-Man was the last 6th grader left standing against the two 8th graders. He survived 3 rounds before being eliminated and finishing 3rd. He did quite well in that atmosphere and it bodes well for his ability to handle pressure situations in the future...