Sunday, November 26, 2006

some thoughts

Went to the last informational for the Frat tonight. weird seeing how young those kids are. as i was driving back, I was thinking about all the alumni I saw yesterday...Danny and Sara, Kevin and Holly, Andrea and Will, Spacholtz, Tariq, Crowell, Claire, Melanie Muldrow, Chris Sloan among many. But i was also pondering others like i have said before. Kim and Jeremy had to miss the game due toa last second change of plans, and i really missed getting to see them. And Wyatt and i werent able to sync plans either. But sometimes things happen and you gotta roll with it. And that is only from that era of friends for me. certainly hope that Lynn realizes that I kinda ponder what shes doing too, as well as the whole high school crew. man...time is smoking along, isnt it?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving saw my family come into town for a visit. It was indeed good to see all again. Ryles has shown an ability to wipe out a drumstick of any size.


Seems like any trip to the grandparents (or in this case, great grandparent) means an endless supply of tos readily available
I-Man starting to wind down after a long day of crochet and driving bigwheels..

Jessica's side o' tha family

I posted this picture unedited or anything because while the lighting isnt great, there are some subtle things abt this picture that I feel gives it a different quality. Some one once said "a picture is worth a thousand words" or something like that.. I was looking for a specific effecr once the lighting got a little darker than I wanted for the original. i thing I was able to get it with the wide angle at its longest length. Of course, Ellen was all freaked out because she felt the camera was too close to her or something....


Ryles in her Cheerleader outfit at USC game


he's a little ticked about having to leave

Monday, November 20, 2006

I-Man at his talent show

I-man at his Talent show... taken with my Treo.

oh, and another thing...

So Brown's boy from NY wants to bring back the draft, huh? smooth move, bruh.... real smooth. Keep floatin that stuff out there and we'll see the majority swing right back where it came from... real smooth, Rangel.

The holidays, they are a comin....

Aunt Ellen was in town for a job interview... went to a Talent show at I-Man and Ryles school on Friday night. They sang "This little light of mine...I'm goin to let it shine" with the lights out and little flash lights making lights on the ceiling. in case you are new to this, I-man and Ryles attend the little catholic school that could, and attend Mass once a week, dressed in white shirt/blue pants/black Dickies boots (for I-man) or White blouse, Blue skirt, white tights and blue mary janes ( for Ryles). what...somebody asked me what they wear, so I figured I'd describe it...

Saturday saw a failed attempt at a last soccer match, where the Clemson team didnt bother to show up..IN CLEMSON!!!!. So we then shopped around in Clemson, got Ryles a Clemson cheerleader outfit and a couple of other x-mas gifts for people. Came back, blew some leaves off the driveway, watched part of the Ohio State/Michigan game then went to dinner with Jamie, Ben Aunt Ellen, the Twins and Jessica. Went to Fatz where I ate 47 of those little rolls they have. Afterward, ellen stayed with the kids while Clemons, Ben, me and Jessica went and saw Casino Royale and I ate some buttered popcorn. Actually, it was double buttered. It was pretty good eats and the movie was above average, except for the lovey, dovey stuff towards the end for about 20 minues...

Turkey day events will include my mother and brother here on thursday, Columbia on Friday for jessica's family, hopefully back here to meet up with Wyatt Friday evening/night...then going to USC game and meeting up with Kim and Jeremy and maybe hanging with them a little afterward, depending upon schedules.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

just kinda wonderin....

we have this small space heater i used to use at work. i placed it downstairs and the damn thing is pretty much warming the entire downstairs. go figure....

...running some errands today and went to skins for 3 chili dawgs...noticed a couple of horses standing in a couple of parking spots and one cowboy/marlboro man lookin dude holding them while another younger woman was talking to him. What struck me is why is it everytime (well, its pretty rare now) i see some people with some horses, the chicks all seem to be some version ( larger, smaller, taller, shorter, older, younger) of Lynn... kinda strange.

I-Mans last soccer match of the Fall on Saturday. Will break out the videocam and will try to post a small clip perhaps...
makin a cd.... here is something that i thought profound, after hearing all the talk about O.J. today....

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some
Oh, but just for everyone.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Usc game at Noon. oh boy... want a spot atthe brooks center. gotta be there by 9am is my guess...

Monday, November 13, 2006

By the way, can somebody

By the way, can somebody please redesign the Panthers logo? I've been complainin for years now. Don't change colors or uniforms. Just the logo.

My man wins at PHX...

My man wins at PHX... Looks like the 29 will finish 3rd. Can't really complain about that... Now gotta have the Panthers pull thru tonight...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

the weekend that was...

...this just in. Clemson's QB sucks. yeah, i know, he's cute and all that (supposedly) Ever notice that they dont ask him to even try to throw the ball downfield anymore? Although I did notice a couple of rollouts and tosses to the fullback. still< itsobvious that the coachs have no confidence in him other than he is a 5th year senior and is probably a better option right now than the backup....

...we puchased a new xmas tree on saturday. got a 299 tree for 199, and this one is far easier to put together and light...

...really interesting watching my daughter reading her book and listening to country music in her bedroom....

...oh, the and twins both have a small tree in their room already. no decorations, but they are lit up...

Jessica is looking forward to going up and seeing Brown dance at his club. Im not so sure i want to...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I-Man crashes the bed

The twins love these two

The twins love these two tv channels. Boomerang and any version of Jetix. Sorta like me only watching Law and order and Battlestar Galactica.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I just actually looked at my blog and noticed that my posts from my phone have not been making it here. So I guess the last two are lost out in cyberspace somewhere...

note to police: if you are beating someone, assume that it will show up in video on msnbc or cnn soon....

Went to a Parent/techer conference yesterday to I-man and Ryles. It was interesting to see how they got along with their teacher(s)

I'll post more tonight, tomorrow and Sunday...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ryles as Tinkerbell for Halloween
This year I-Man was the Green Power Ranger for Halloween....