Friday, September 29, 2006

ya know...i think this Merideth Viera chick is starting to grow on me. At first, i was like..."She aint Katie..." but now I am starting to warm up to her....
...and i am pondering a layout change for the blog. Not sure though...

more random musings...

It is kinda nice to just wash 5 pairs of blue pants and white shirts for the twins every week. sure does simplify things...

... and it is amazing to drive down the road and only hear a faint videogame sound from the back. the twins have gameboys (with headphones) and they get in the car, turn them on and i dont hear anything from them..except.."hey Ian, lets switch games. Ok Rylee. let me get this last mail from Blue"...

...why is diesel still 2.35 a gallon while regular is under 2.00? this is highly annoying, even if i still only put gas in my car once or twice a month....

..."Oops i did it again....."...ah yes, old school Britney Spears... and following that up with a little n
Naughty by Nature.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fall is here...again...

temps have fallen. leaves all over the driveway/porch. Fall always brings back flashes of memories of times past. Always kinda sad, but the memories are all good. The Harwoods have had their daughter, and it reminds me that time just keeps moving forward. Who would have thought at one time that Harwood would have a kid. Wow...but..its a good thing, and i think he's going to be a fine father.

I am seriously contemplating going to the Charlotte game (Temple/Clemson)...

Monday, September 25, 2006

I-man scores

I-Man had his first soccer match of the season on Saturday. he scored his teams only goal against the obviously older, wiser, experienced mexican goalie. After a scrum outside the penalty box, the ball was kicked to the far side of the net, where I-Man was patiently waiting , and blasted a 1 timer into the goal. Look for the report in the easley paper, as I-man was his teams Man of the Match. I forgot to mention that the other team scored like 6 goals or something....
..Ryles is doing dance again, and was actually promoted after a couple of classes to a higher class, and also placed into Tap class. So, she is now taking 2 dance classes....

Tigers took North Carolina to the woodshed on Saturday. looks like another 2 weeks of blowouts before Wake Forest, who might present a challenge., meanwhile the Panthers seem to have stopped the bleeding for the moment

did I mention that it is virtually impossible to find blue pants for girls size 4t or 5t?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

what am i listening to?


We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive

then Clint Black...
Your mind is made up you won't even try
You didn't even cry this time
You say that we could never see eye to eye
And one of us just must be blind
We have our differences
We're still the same
See what we want to see
But you take a second look
And maybe things wouldn't seem the same
If you could see what you mean to me

Put yourself in my shoes
Walk a mile for me
I'll put myself in your shoes
Maybe then we'd see
That if you put yourself in my shoes
You'd have some sympathy
And if i could only put myself in your shoes
I'd walk right back to me

Goodness.... its those types of songs that always make me at least stop and take a listen to country music every once in a while...

then... The Gap Band ( Burn Rubber on Me ) here is a song that is basically about as rock as rock can be.

next up..Everlast...

on to Califonia Love (Dr Dre and Tupac)

then I hear Michael Jackson in I Want You Back. That song gives me chills when i listen. I hear innocence, pure joy of performance and raw, unbridled talent. So sad what it has become....

Folson Prison Blues is next. Ah..Johnny Cash.

The some Kelis and Too Short in Bossy.

Finally I am at Evanescence with Call Me When you are Sober. Here is a song that I actually like more for the music than the lyrics. pretty rockin...well, about as rockin as you can get with an orchestra and piano mixed in with you. i do like that they changed meter some and just basically mixed things up a little
And who can be heard singing this?

We've all seen a man at the liquor store beggin' for your change
The hair on his face is dirty, dread-locked, and full of mange
He asks a man for what he could spare, with shame in his eyes
"Get a job you fucking slob," is all he replies
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What was God doing?

...Last night, we were watching a thing on PBS about God and 9-11 and people pondering about how God could have let that happen, etc. Well...I was only kinda half watching and reading a magazine at the time, but I kinda thought that those people were all kinda off track somewhat. What about the thousands of other people who died that day in the world. From Cancer...Aids...Car wrecks... killed by guns... all sorts of stuff. Was God supposed to ignore all those people and only save the people in New York? was it any less a tradgedy for the families of all those other people who dies that day? I dont mean to lesson what happened to those 3000 people. But if God is the All powerful entity he supposedly is, then the events in New York were a small peice of the puzzle in the whole scheme of the universe that day.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow...five years...

I will always remember standing in front of my TV in my office watching the second plane hit live. I remember thining immediately..."well, I guess I aint flyin to New York for kristen's wedding"... I also remember thinking that this was going to screw up a lot of stuff for a lot of people forever....

Friday, September 08, 2006

This is the New West End Zone seting...didnt really add too many seats..but i would love to have some of those wih the cover over them....
this is a little bit clearer look at how it is constructed...
One of Ryles new past times (and they change from day to day) is tosit and blow on this toy trumpet they got at the fair the other day....
..until I-Man takes it away and starts blowing...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

dude, where did the time go?

looked up and a week had passed.... found my old Canon Rebel SLR and while looking at it noticed that it has my old lense still on. it is a 70-300mm lens. Now...NOW...I'm cookin with gas.... that is the lens that allows me to zoom in from way back that i used primarily back in the 90's. And it fits my current digi SLR.

Ryles has started back dance lessons and I-Man starts soccer again on Saturday...