Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What was God doing?

...Last night, we were watching a thing on PBS about God and 9-11 and people pondering about how God could have let that happen, etc. Well...I was only kinda half watching and reading a magazine at the time, but I kinda thought that those people were all kinda off track somewhat. What about the thousands of other people who died that day in the world. From Cancer...Aids...Car wrecks... killed by guns... all sorts of stuff. Was God supposed to ignore all those people and only save the people in New York? was it any less a tradgedy for the families of all those other people who dies that day? I dont mean to lesson what happened to those 3000 people. But if God is the All powerful entity he supposedly is, then the events in New York were a small peice of the puzzle in the whole scheme of the universe that day.

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