Friday, September 29, 2006

more random musings...

It is kinda nice to just wash 5 pairs of blue pants and white shirts for the twins every week. sure does simplify things...

... and it is amazing to drive down the road and only hear a faint videogame sound from the back. the twins have gameboys (with headphones) and they get in the car, turn them on and i dont hear anything from them..except.."hey Ian, lets switch games. Ok Rylee. let me get this last mail from Blue"...

...why is diesel still 2.35 a gallon while regular is under 2.00? this is highly annoying, even if i still only put gas in my car once or twice a month....

..."Oops i did it again....."...ah yes, old school Britney Spears... and following that up with a little n
Naughty by Nature.

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