Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Can anyone tell me?

Does anyone know the name for the dancing pom pom girls the Irmo band used to have? was it the "High Dancers" or something like that?

also, i do truly believe that the greatest medicine in the world is...NyQuil. i mean, its like I take this stuff and a few minutes later, i am out. Truly OUT...until the next morning...

Battlestar Galactica this weekend...reshowing the Mini Series on NBC before starting the series on SciFi...i am stoked...

Had my performance review today. it went well. I will get my merit increase next year.

When..Oh, when...did Samuel L Jackson turn into Morgan Freeman. is it that time already? I am not sure i am ready for that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Irmo High Steppers - Michelle