Tuesday, July 12, 2005

uh, oh...times sneaking up on us...

....suddenly, we have to start making bigtime decisions. Rylee is to start dance in the Fall and Ian will be doing soccer. We also have to think about whether we want to place Ian and Rylee into Blythe Academy in Greenville, a school that has a language immersion program, and then if we do that, do we go Spanish or French? or do we take them out of daycare in Gville and place them in Easley and them place them in Easley schools. or do we place them at Augusta Circle? We are pondering their fate of school, even as they are acting so bad that we are reluctant to have their grandparents keep them without us for any extended period of time...sigh.....

...Ah...Lance Armstrong is sticking it to the Frenchies...AGAIN!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! and that is a dilema with me. I prefer French and that language, but i dont like the people. Spanish is probably better served to the twins for their future, but i hate that language, even though they already know it a little from the lolitas at their daycare.

Ian become quite a stubborn little fellow. I constantly have to keep telling myself "He's 3 and a half...he's 3 and a half....", else i will want him to act like a 18 year old...which he isnt even close to. but i know he is aware of his actions to a point. But I also know that he is still immature enough to not be able to always control his actions. But he is so impetuous at times. i think Jessica might have a cow...

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