Tuesday, May 29, 2007

all types of things happening....

Bush cut loose on Sudan today. 'bout time some sort of something be done about what's going on in the Sudan. not cool....

Cindy Sheehan is taking her ball and going home. Seems like it was all cool when she was pounding George Bush and she was getting raves for that, but then the Liberals turned on her and started pounding her, and she is taking her ball and headin' home. tsk, tsk...

If you ever get a chance to watch Backyardigans, take a look. It is actually highly entertaining and the subtle things you see in it are fun to watch. They always have a musical theme with each show that is not stated, but very obvious that is not what you would normally think would match. Like they will be in the Jungle, and it's all country music and line dancing. The twins have about 15 episodes on DVR and have ALL the lines and songs memorized.

...still kinda sad that I-Man figured out the remote, for it is maddening to be watching an NBA playoff game and its getting down to crunch time in the 4th quarter, and suddenly the channel turns to ....well...Backyardigans....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer lurking...

Fate chooses our relatives; we choose our friends.
- Jacques Delille

I know I have mentioned this before (Kim) but I am starting to think more and more that we've got to take a look at another heat pump for the upstairs. While the heat pump works fine, downstairs is ice cold while upstars is cool, but not really as cool as I would like for it to get at night. I guess I could lower the temp from 76 degres overnight, but it seems like a waste of money...except that Ryles is obviously getting warm and waking up, and she is in our bed every morning now. But...then again, a second pump would cost more i figure...so..well..I guess I just answered my own train of thought...gotta close some vents downstairs and turn down the temp another degree or 2 overnight. Ryles will wake up if it is 30 degrees in her room complaining of being how, while I-Man has a sheet, blanket and comforter on him at all times...

Thinking of getting a Lebron "Witness" T-shirt if he continues to posterize 'Sheed like he did last night...

Ellen seems to think that my wanting to build a bookcase was a strange thing. We need a bookcase for the area at the stairs in the den. I see several online, but they want $500.00 just to ship it to you or something like that... but anyway, she asked me since when did I do woodworking. Which i guess is a valid question, considering the answer would be something close to ...well..never. But I am looking for a decent bookcase that isnt outrageous in cost.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

At the lake

Yesterday, we were at the lake most of the day (Greenwood). I-Man and Ryles spent most of their time in the water... It was good to see Ryles take a little more interest in the water, even though I am still not too fond of it and all that.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quote for today

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
- William James

Headin to lake Greenwood this Saturday to visit with some of Jessica's teacher friends. It's always fun to go out on their boats and all that. I had pondered going back to Charlotte to see if I could get I-Man and Ryles a nascar jacket in an advance X-mas shopping foray, but I figure I can find them online just as well...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


...seen any bees lately?.... yep...thats what i thought. I havent seen any as well...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ok..so...what now???

The Birthday, Race trip and all the stuff with it came and went. It was pretty cool and I had a great time with all who went on the tailgate/campin/race adventure.

As I mentioned yesterday, my guy actually won for a change. I had never had that happen out of all the races I have been to. Aunt Ashley baked me a sugar free cake and it was tasty as tasty can be.

so... what now??... well, gotta start working on those 15 things I want to do, I guess. The next "big" thing for me/us is going to NJ/NYC in late June to see Kristen and Brown. Kristen will have a new addition to her family by then, and we'll drop in on them for an evening before going into Brooklyn for a couple of days with Brown, Pam and their 4 cats (Piper, Phoebe,Persnickety and Phallus). This should be interesting in that we will have the twins with us and this will be their first trip to "the big city".

I'm startin to keep an eye on politics... more on this tomorrow.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Its about frakkin time!!!

Not only did my guy race competively, but...He won the race!!! Finally...I go to a race and my guy wins...Not the #48, or the #20, or the #24 or whoever else always wins....Finally!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hmmm...dont feel any different....

...Whoa...got a 3000 watt generator today. Now that's pretty awesome. And it eliminates one of my only fleeting worries which was that an ice storm ( or anything else ) would cut power to the house and we could be without power and heat for a period of time. Now i will have the ability to power a space heater, light, and a small tv. And other appliances as needed. And i now also have portable power for tailgates, etc.

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run.

Keep your foot hard on the pedal. Son, never mind them brakes.
Let it all hang out 'cause we got a run to make.
The boys are thirsty in Atlanta and there's beer in Texarcana.
And we'll bring it back no matter what it takes.

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run.

Well...As i said. i dont feel any different than I felt yesterday. Well, my knee is still a little cranky. But... I am always a tad melancholy on this day. Its always anti-climatic for me...kinda like the concerts always were when i was in band. You mentally build up for months, and the day comes and goes and its like..."ok...hmmm...now its over. what now???" I must admit that my wife and kids hooked me up, though. A generator, a new Greenvile Drive hat, a fan/light for our tent...I really am blessed to have these people in my life. And I feel that it is a gift everyday that i get to spend with them. And as i sit here thinkin, I ponder upon people like Kristen, Lynn, Brandy, Erik, Josh and John...I wonder what is going on with Beth, and Julie and Mcgee and Jobert. How are Lisa, Tj, Kim and Jeremy doing...and are they having as much fun as i am having? I hope so... because I am having fun and I couldnt ask for more...(well, except for that lottery thing...) I hope the future 40 years will bring as much learning and enlightenment that the first 40 have.

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run.

Ol' Smokey's got them ears on and he's hot on your trail.
He aint gonna rest 'til you're in jail.
So you got to dodge 'im and you got to duck 'im,
you got to keep that diesel truckin'.
Just put that hammer down and give it hell.

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run.

AH Yes...Jerry Reed. I love that song. Always makes me happy. Music... And As I mentioned before, I bet virtually everyone reading this, from those I mentioned above to those I know read this who I didnt mention, I met or know me thru Band or Frat or...probably both. Or you know me because you are associated with one of the music or frat people. Well, now that I think about it..the frat people are music people, so that is redundant.

#15) Something I want to do

Open a Small Photography Business

This is an ongoing project of mine that has been moving slowly over the past 2 years. I believe I have improved my skills to the point that I might be able to seriously consider doing this on a larger scale. The only thing really stopping me is the start-up capital and the fact that we have a standard of living that i feel must be maintained, so leaving my current job is not an option. I'm thinkin that I am going to pursue applying for a grant somehow and see if I can get started that way. I would rather not go the loan route, especially since our only major loan right now is the house. Cars are paid for and monthly bills are fine right now. So...where does that put me? Back at the grant table again... Anyway...This will probably be my major project for the next year, and we'll see where this is 1 year from now.

Oh my....

I have to post this for you to take a look at. It's a short video clip of some guys. I just don't know what to think anymore.... Brown sent me this link and, unfortunately, this is what i had to look at first thing this morning. It is both amusing and sad. And i just dont know anymore.... Click here

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

At the Quarter pole

Ok... A quarter of the season is done and the Braves are in first place by a half game over the Mets. They have played better than i thought they would and I feel they are going to hang in with the Mets and put themselves in position for the wildcard if they dont prevail in the division. It looks like it will possible take 100 wins to take the division and they are at 25 wins ( go figure) at the Quarter pole. Lets check back in at the half way mark....

Nextel All Star race on the docket for this weekend. There are several moments i always look forward to.... 1) when the cars first crank up, 2) when they rumble by during the warm up lap and the ground shakes as they go by and you get that first whiff of high octane fuel, 3) Then the green flag drops and they scream by in 1st and 2nd gear and 4) when they come by on that first lap. Its always been amazing to feel a difference in the air when this race starts. I think its because the only people racing are the better cars and teams, and because its such a short race, they mean business from the get go. At a normal race, they very quickly settle in for the long haul because you can win if you aint running t the end, and when they end is 3 hours away, no use beatin and bangin at the beginning. The All Star race takes away all those laps and puts the end of the race ...NOW. the guys at the back have to go...NOW. which means the guys up front are in the way. And with the winner taking home more than a million dollars, people get impatient.

I was a Speed Television's broadcast of Live at Trackside in Darlington, and they played a song that once again reminds me of why Music is the Patron...well you get the drift. It was Jerry Reed's Eastbound and Down and just standing there listening brings back memeories and provokes feelings. Isnt that great that one song can do that? And as iwrite this and and aware of who reads this regularly, I think about the one thing that binds us all...Music.

#14) Something I want to do

See my children graduate High school, then move on...

Yeah, I guess most people want to do this and I guess its an obvious thing. But I will be pushing 60 if/when they graduate college or whatever it is they decide to do after the graduate highschool. That also means that if they marry the same age i was when I married, i will be into my 70's when means i potentially may never see my grandchildren, if there are any. While that makes me sad, I realize that whatever shall be shall be in those regards. But to see them through to highschool then off to bigger and better things is something i must do, for I have always believed that my purpose wasnt as much to accomplish a lot of things, but perhaps to be a bridge between my parents generation and the twins generation. Kinda hard to explain that statement, but i think some of you might understand where I am coming from...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some recent observations

The the race on Sunday, I pondered these things... 1) why do these women wear what they are wearing to these races. i mean..its like they think they are supermodels or something and and they are wearing clothes that they should not be wearing out in public. 2) while I have absolutely no issues with lesbians ( or gays), I wonder why some lesbians have to play into the "spiked hair, rolled up t-shirt, manly appearance" role. I dont know why THAT bothers me, because I dont have a problem with that look. But...I guess I dont understand why some feel they have to look that way. Its like they have to announce that they are the MAN in that equation. Well, i guess I answered my question and since I am not a lesbian, I wont understand that line of thinkin. Again...its all good in the end. and...3) when you arrive at the track 3 hours before the race, and there are huge dark thunderstorm clouds less than a mile away and...you only are wearing a t-shirt and shorts ( this is guys...I mentioned the womenz above)...why...??? WHY???? why would you proceed to get out of your car for the 5-10 minute walk in the open to the track. I'm sitting there in my car listening to the weather scanner that says..."2 to 3 inches are expected locally". Im like.."I think I'll ride this one out in the Explorer even though I have a rain poncho, boots and a change in socks in case it pours cats and dogs like i can tell it already is right over yonder". So...It starts pouring cats and dogs except only worse. All I could see were people walking by me...totally soaked, looking miserable. Ok...maybe i have answered my question. Maybe these people are not at the top of the intelligence heap.

#13 Something I want to do.

Win the Lottery

Ok...I know this is something totally out of my hands (except for me actually making the effort to purchase a ticket). But I guess that would make a lot of these things on the list somewhat doable. I could buy an RV and see all those sites in the US. Wouldnt have to worry about arranging time off with work, etc. Get that skybox, BMW and duckets to the Olympics and World Cup. yep...the Lotto would hit the spot rather nicely....

Monday, May 14, 2007

A long shot....

#12) Something i want to do

Own a Skybox for Clemson Football Home Games

Yep...this one probably aint happenin' but That would be awesome. I would be able to invite all the Clemson people I know up to the box for games. While I have seen games from the boxes and it was a little underwhelming, I am positive it would be a different experience if you have a bunch of your friends there. But until I win the lottery..?.?.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Finally...they race...

After a huge rainstorm and the race being delayed last night till today, i got to see the darlington race. It was pretty good. As is the trend when I attend races, my guy never really factored and finished 18th. Ryles. I-Man and I did get to see a practice session and their first experience at a big track went about as I expected. They lasted aby 45 minutes before Ryles started complaining about being wet and I-Man kept wanting to go stand in the shade. Ryles sucked down 4 apple juices in the span of about 20 minutes. I-Man quickly pointed out his "green car" and yelled gleefully everytime it went by. He was even able to follow it around the track. All while Ryles was with seeming disdain sucking down the apple juice. I must admit that it was about 87 degrees at the time we were there, and the stands are hotter, so I was sweating myself. At least they didnt shreik and snivel under the seats when the cars powered up. The picture above to the left spreety much sums it up when we got ready to leave...Ryles complaining about being "wet" and I-Man wanting more cheezits and eying the shade.

#11) Something I want to do

DCI World Championships from the 50 yard line.

I have always wanted to be there to see that final run thru...after thouands of run thru's... knowing that for these guys, there is no more "let's run it again, from the top!"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

well... that is...interesting...

watched the video link of the Dora parody. pretty funny and on point.

Today skips a day in the list of Things I want to Do so it will end on Thursday.
Yesterday brought back memories of what it was like when I would go to the Darlington race and it started at 1:00. That used to be hot.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Go Diego Go!!!!

Seems Dora has found a replacement. His name is Diego.... gettin ready to head out to Nextel Cup practice. I figure we'll do practice for a hour, then cruise the souvy trucks. I-Man has been talking about seeing the "big trucks"

#10 Something I want to do

Own a BMW M3

Ok, so that is more a "I want" than "to do". But as far as possesions, I pretty much have everything I need or want. I mean I would like to win the lottery and that would allow for all the angles to be covered but that is a slight stretch right now... I'd like to have the M3, which is a meaner, cooler version of the common 3 series. As i have mentioned before, i have a ways to go with the current Jetta before i will ponder another car. And even then, an M3 will be out of my price range. But maybe way down the line I can find a decent used one. Harwood seems to be good at finding those types of things. There is one resource I might have to utilize then.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Headin to Darlington...

after work today, I'm headin to Darlington. Actually, I'm headin to Florence where Papa and Nanna are. I'm taking the twins with me. We plan to go see some NASCAR practice and qualifying tomorrow during the day. Well, at least we will go there and see the cars. I am not sure how long we will actually stay. If it goes like it did when we went to Greenville/Pickens, Ryles will stand at the fence to the track with no headphones on and watch the cars go screaming by with the wind blowing in her hair while I-Man will have his headphones on, with hands over his headphones and be complaining about how loud it is... at any rate, I-Man is looking forward to seeing his "green" car..the #18. I will attempt to report tomorrow as to how it goes....

#9) Something I want to do

Go to the Olympics

Ok, this has always been on my plans of things that are a definite. London is 2012. That's only five years from now. Wow, this is creeping up on me fast. Now..THAT will be a two week trip out of the country. I am thinkin a couple of events in London like a soccer match a wembley, or a equestrian event or something. And we could drop in a jaunt to Ireland while we are in the area. But...Chicago is considered a front runner for the 2016 Olympics right now. If they are awarded those olympics, plans could shift.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Here's a joke for ya....

Top 10 Things That Sound Dirty
10. I need to whip it out by 5.
9. Mind if I use your laptop?
8. Just stick it in my box.
7. If I have to lick one more, I'll gag!
6. I want it on my desk, NOW!!!
5. Hmm... I think it's out of fluid!
4. My equipment is so old, it takes forever to finish.
3. It's an entry-level position.
2. When do you think you'll be getting off today?
And the number 1 thing that sounds dirty in the office but isn't:

1. It's not fair... I do all the work while he just sits.

#8) Something I want to do

Go to Devil's Tower, Wyoming

Ok...so some of you...well...probably all of you are probably thinkin "whaaaat???" Well, one of my favorite movies of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind and it is a book I must have read 50 times if I didnt read it a 100 growing up. Honest Injun... And Devil's Tower is an important part of that movie and book. And i have simply always wanted to go there. I imagine to the trip there would be worth it and just to see it in person would bring it all together for me.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

New York Knicks, Braves Baseball in High Def and....

...Pizza Parties at Pizza Inn. I-Man (and Ryles) had the End O' Season pizza party at Pizza Inn tonight. And I found out that monday night is "Kids Night" where kids can have the buffet for 99 cent. Oh man... that going to the permanent lists of places to hit in the future...

Oh...and guess what frakkin showed up on frakkin High Def channel 798 a couple of days ago. I kinda was wonderin abt what this new channel was that popped up, since I have all subscription channels we dont subscribe to unlisted. So this channel (as well as the stupid hockey channels) showed up a couple of days ago. Well, the first time I looked at it, it was a test pattern and I kinda glossed over it, not really thinkin. Last night, I was tryin to reconfigure this fancy remote I have that is a cool AV remote that I have programmed that when I press DVD, it changes all the inputs to the correct thing so I dont have to mess with 3 remotes. Well, I saw that channel again, and noticed it said BRVHD. I'm like "whoaaaa...!!!" I look at the test bar again, so I know its a channel I can get, so I look at the schedule....its all "off air" till 7:00pm when it says MLB Baseball. So, when I get home from the above mentioned pizza orgy, I turn to the channel in question. ITS ATLANTA BRAVES FRAKKIN BASEBALL IN HIGH FRAKKIN HDTV!!!! oh mercy mercy mercy.... things have just turned for the better in my world.... (not that they arent already pretty good usually)

#7) Something I want to do

See a New York Knicks game in Madison Square Garden in the courtside seats.

OK, so this will have to be a perfect storm situation. I mean, I want to go to a game when the STARS are there like Spike Lee and McEnroe...and well... perhaps a few rappers or something. Problem is that the games they will be at will be the games everyone else is at, which means tickets wont be easy. It also means that I will have to pull a New York Yankees and overspend for the privilege. Once again, this might be a long long range goal...like in retirement...

Monday, May 07, 2007

Top Ten reasons I like livin where ilive....

After seeing the pix of what that tornado did in Kansas, I again reminded myself of why I like where i live.

1) No Tornados (knock on wood)
2) No extreme cold temps..OK, well, maybe 2 or 3 days a year. I can deal with that and it gives me an excuse to justify the heavy coat in the closet
3) No extreme high temps.. OK, well maybe 3 or 4 days a year with temps at 100.
4) No floods. Ok, well it did flood here once, but that was a peculiar situation. I dont think it will happen again
5) No swarms of locusts, or rivers of blood.
6) No earthquakes
7) No hurricane Ted, Fred, Bill, Roger or Oswald to have to be watching the weather channel about worrying about my house being blown away
8) No swarms of snakes. well, the occasional snake down at the creek, but the dealmaker handles those...
9) No Blizzards. the occasional 1 inch of snow if good enough to shut down things for a day or 2
10) did I mention no tornados (knock on wood)

#6) Something I want to do.

New Year's Eve in Times Square

Ok, so i know my wife will be reluctant, and i do have my own reservations abt NYC, large crowds and dirty bombs. But I think you gotta do that...once. and with Kristen and Brown in the area, we have a convenient base to work from. This is something that I think might be a few years off, perhaps after the twins have left town...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Short and Sweet

#5 Something i want to do

Go see the Braves in the World Series

So, I am lucky to have had MY team get to and win the World Series in my lifetime. This, after enduring a bevy of losing seasons growing up. there are fans of teams who NEVER get this chance in a life time (see Cubs). I am lucky in that aspect. But I did not go to a World Series game during the previous run of Series appearances. I wont make that mistake again. If the Braves return to the World Series, i will be there.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Elton John Live!!!

Yesterday, i got a super cool surprise for my birthday. Brandy got me a ticket to see Elton John and took me to the concert. And it was pretty awesome. I was impressed that he sang for 2 and a half hours straight, and he sang virtually every hit song he has ever had, except for 2.. i'm pretty sure. I am truly grateful that I had a chance to see him in concert again as he announce that he is doing no more albums, and implied that his days of concerts are now ending.

#4) Something I want to do

Go to an HBCU football game.

HBCU stands for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. I want to go to a football game and, honestly, see the bands in the stands and at halftime. I dont want to go to one of the "Classics" that you see on tv. I want to go to a random Fall Saturday weekend when there are no TV cameras and I can see what it is truly like. I think that would be immensely fun.

I guess thats why they call it the blues

Don't wish it away
Don't look at it like it's forever
Between you and me I could honestly say
That things can only get better

And while I'm away
Dust out the demons inside
And it won't be long before you and me run
To the place in our hearts where we hide

And I guess that's why they call it the blues
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughing like children, living like lovers
Rolling like thunder under the covers
And I guess that's why they call it the blues

Just stare into space
Picture my face in your hands
Live for each second without hesitation
And never forget I'm your man

Wait on me girl
Cry in the night if it helps
But more than ever I simply love you
More than I love life itself

Music by Elton John and Davey Johnstone Lyrics by Bernie Taupin

If you can and dont already have this song, download it and listen you it. Pretty profound...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Where Are The Bees?

Not to be a Treehugger Alarmist or anything, but I have been following recently the plight of the Bees. Have you noticed that there are hardly ANY bees flying around anymore? Look around. Seriously. Yeah..you see wasps and yellowjackets. but do you see any bees? And here's the Question...where did they all go? Its a world wide thing and , in case you dont know, bees are what makes the world go. Bees pollinate plants. Plants are eaten by animals that man eats. Plants are eaten by man. No bees? humans EVERYWHERE have serious issues producing crops. Dont believe me? Look it up. This is legit...

#3) Something I want to do

See a NASCAR race at Talledega.

Ok...Darlington???...check. Daytona????...check. Charlotte???...check. Atlanta??...check.Bristol???...check Greenville/Pickens???...check. The last of my must see tracks is Talladega, and i might actually pull that off this Fall, if I can work it out with Harwood for a quick drive down in October. Its only 31/2 hours away from here... That would make that list complete, with Rockingham (no longer being used), Richmond (6 hours) and Martinsville (6 hours) remaining as "I'd like to go if i had a chance but it aint that important" tracks

Thursday, May 03, 2007

next in the list...

#2) Something I want to do.

See a World Cup Soccer Match in person.

Ok, so this will be problematic, since South Africa is up next in 2010 ( and I aint goin there), then Brazil is the only country bidding right now for 2014. Not sure I want to be headin to Brazil either, no matter how much fun it actually might be. 2018 is slated for Asia, then 2022 is in Europe before it cycles back to North/South America in 2026 (likely the USA or Mexico). So...lets pencil in Europe for 2022. Its 15 years from now. Kids will be in college or wherever. Germany and France are out, so likely candidates are Spain, Italy and England. England would be good...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Top 15 Things I want to do before I leave this place

OK...15 days till I reach a milestone. For the next 15 days I am going to post one of the top 15 things i want to do before I pass away. There is no particular Order or Level of importance. Nor will I view my life as incomplete if i dont do any of these. I must admit that I have done relatively well on the lists of cool things to do so far, and a beautiful wife, 2 awesome kids, a house, cars, tvs, electronics, friends and health acheived are pretty significant....

Something I want to do.

See the Grand Canyon.
Its on the list for a future Summer Roadtrip with the family. I figure rent a RV and take a week during the summer... leisurely drive out, seeing the sights, etc. and spend a couple of days on target, then repeat on the way back using a different route. I can see it now with I-Man and Ryles constantly complaining abt when we are going to get there. hell, they complain now about how much longer it will be before we get to Town when Town is only a 10 minute drive... But...I digress... It will be fun. Probably get in a quick visit to Roswell too....