Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some recent observations

The the race on Sunday, I pondered these things... 1) why do these women wear what they are wearing to these races. i mean..its like they think they are supermodels or something and and they are wearing clothes that they should not be wearing out in public. 2) while I have absolutely no issues with lesbians ( or gays), I wonder why some lesbians have to play into the "spiked hair, rolled up t-shirt, manly appearance" role. I dont know why THAT bothers me, because I dont have a problem with that look. But...I guess I dont understand why some feel they have to look that way. Its like they have to announce that they are the MAN in that equation. Well, i guess I answered my question and since I am not a lesbian, I wont understand that line of thinkin. Again...its all good in the end. and...3) when you arrive at the track 3 hours before the race, and there are huge dark thunderstorm clouds less than a mile away and...you only are wearing a t-shirt and shorts ( this is guys...I mentioned the womenz above)...why...??? WHY???? why would you proceed to get out of your car for the 5-10 minute walk in the open to the track. I'm sitting there in my car listening to the weather scanner that says..."2 to 3 inches are expected locally". Im like.."I think I'll ride this one out in the Explorer even though I have a rain poncho, boots and a change in socks in case it pours cats and dogs like i can tell it already is right over yonder". So...It starts pouring cats and dogs except only worse. All I could see were people walking by me...totally soaked, looking miserable. Ok...maybe i have answered my question. Maybe these people are not at the top of the intelligence heap.

#13 Something I want to do.

Win the Lottery

Ok...I know this is something totally out of my hands (except for me actually making the effort to purchase a ticket). But I guess that would make a lot of these things on the list somewhat doable. I could buy an RV and see all those sites in the US. Wouldnt have to worry about arranging time off with work, etc. Get that skybox, BMW and duckets to the Olympics and World Cup. yep...the Lotto would hit the spot rather nicely....

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