Tuesday, January 12, 2010

go figure

SO... it is about time for Spring. Seriously...

Went to the Monster Jam with I-Man on Saturday in Atlanta at the Georgia Dome. Before getting there, we hit the Mall of Georgia and found out Restoration Hardware seems to have disappeared... we then cruised into town and stopped by Ikea. I like that store. We ate some fries, chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese at the food place in there. The food was tasty to my surprise... we then headed to the Dome and found out, to my dismay, that along with the 70 thousand expected for Monster Jam, there was an Atlanta Thrasher's hockey match that night as well at Phillips Arena. That means A LOT OF PEOPLE TRYING TO PARK IN THE SAME PLACE AT THE SAME TIME. But we did get in with 5 minutes to spare. And I also learned that it pays to always go into EVERY bathroom you see, even if you just went 20 minutes ago... No, there were no accidents and that was because i have figured out that the moment you go sailing past a rest area, your kids will suddenly have to go to the bathroom... NOW! So I eliminate that possibility. Bathroom = Stop. Problem (and nervous waiting) solved. Build in extra travel time and its all good.

I also noticed that suddenly, out of nowhere, is a new penny. No one mentioned this... why wasnt i clued in to this?

Jessica and I also stood as Godparents for Harwood's son's baptism on Sunday. I felt honored to be considered. As i sat in the church pondering if the "wine" was actually Jack Daniels or not, I started formulating future plans for Obi Wan. But seriously, they had communion and they had actual wine and I-Man and Rylee had amusing reactions to it. It was stiff port, according to Jessica. Seemed a little like Jack Daniels and I certainly noticed one of those Deacon types knock back a half a Grail of that "wine" after everyone had their carefully restricted sip... I bet First Sundays are a happy time for those guys, watching football, sipping whiskey, err.. "wine", eating saltines and rooting for the Cowboys...

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