Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OK.. so i said before i had some sorta back issue... FINALLY seems to be just about over... now I can get about my normal daily life, i guess... at any rate, the CITY showed up this morning and went into the little pumphouse/well/den of horrosa thingy that resides at the side of our house and seemed to address what I had told them several times over the past month about our toilets/etc. not seeming to flush the way they had in the past. It seems they dont really like addressing this issue for some reason, but they have too cause .. well.. its THEIR device on our property. It is some sorta pump/sewage thingy that i assume pumps stuff UPHILL to the main line running under the street. And it seems like three houses are affected by it... All I know is that occasionally (especially after big rain events) an alarm will go off, and I have to call them. And they reluctantly show up and look all pissed off that they have to go down into this box in the ground on the side of our house... i didnt put it there. it was there when we got the house. Our house was built in the 60's ( in case you have never seen it) and there are several quirky things about it, this being one of them...

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