Tuesday, October 12, 2010

so we know have people throwing books at the President during his speeches and people throwing shoes at videos of Obama... this is becoming a joke. Well, perhaps it already was, but I digress. What DOES disturb me and comes up in my mind is this... depite differences of opinion of policy and decisions, i dont see that people would have treated a white President the same way. Seriously... can anyone who is against Obama justify that sorta thing? Not to mention the streaker?... how far is this guy going to fall?... and despite the Secret Service walking back the book thrower, the symbolic nature of the act is profound. But... again... would this have happened to Hillary Clinton? or George Bush... open, blatant disrespect?


Anonymous said...


There have been plenty of things out there disrespecting both Bush and Hillary. Hillary went through it during the last election where the media was all over her when she said things, but When Palin said the same thing the media coddled her and said it was alright.

Personally I dont like any of them but I dont think that they should be getting some of the treatment they are getting either.

The person who threw the book was actually an Obama supporter so I really dont think that being white or black has anything to do with it....


Florida John said...

Ditto most of the above... surely you know about the Furman faculty back-turning/t-shirt wearing snub of W.

And whether it's sooner or later, it will undoubtedly get worse. And honestly, Jerome, I don't see it as a black vs. white thing as much as I see it a "chickens coming home to roost" thing... tell a ton of whoppers when you run/when you're selling your bail outs, healthcare, and stimulus, only to later have folks discover they've been scammed and shoes flying don't seem so radical to me. Especially when speech after speech makes fun of my fiscally conservative views, calling me obscene names and making a joke out of my beliefs. Sorry, just not buying what you're selling this time friend!