Monday, September 05, 2011

so we turn the corner and leave leave putrid August behind... and now head into Fall. FINALLY the kids start school tomorrow, Football has started, soccer is in full swing and the weather is slowly... ever so slowly... turning better. The Braves are contending and just need to figure out how to hold on for 3 more weeks (fingers crossed)....

... the weekend saw us hangout at Twin Lakes with Uncle Wes, Aunt Ashley, Cousin Madison and new cousin Meridith(i hope i spelled her name right). We went out on the boat and tooled around Lake Harwell near campus for a couple of ours, revisiting the levees, the trestle of pain and the old Issaqueena Dam. Weird that they have access to the actual dam blocked off now, with an iron gate keeping you from actually walking out on it now.... tis sad. Spent a lot of time picnicing out there...

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