Thursday, September 22, 2005

the shape of things to come

I went to Ian’s soccer practice this evening. Oh, seemingly every family with means in Easley was there. Except of course for the black people…but that’s a different post…. Ian seems slated to start his first match Saturday as a Forward, or Striker. Evidently, he is a speedy young’un, and can kick the ball and run at the same time, a skill not mastered by most 3 a half year olds, much less 4 year olds. But, the practice match that they did this evening doesn’t bode well for a fluid, well played match on the old pitch. Seems more like it is going to be a mob following the ball around while the goalies count grass blades.

But I was struck at how much things had changed. Seems like yesterday my Thursday evenings would have been spent sitting around Huddle House talking about seemingly important stuff until wee hours of the morn…. Not any more. AndAs I am looking forward to seeing my friends in a couple of weeks , etc. I am struck by the fact that meaningful times getting together with them in the future can probably be counted on my hands.

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