ok...so I guess a lot of people really didnt post too much over the holidays, so I dont feel that bad that i neglected to post for a couple of weeks....
...clemson basketball seems to be doing well this year. Ok, I probably jinxed it the same way all my other teams seem to have a dark cloud following them....17-0 so far. ok, they'll probably finish the year like 21 and 11 or something, but the NCAA's are looking possible.
Jessica got me a pedicure for xmas. I was a notch skeptical at first when i went, but it was actually not that bad. left my feetsies all tingly and stuff...
its been a month without the jetta. seems the insurance company and the body shop are in argument concerning the fact that the body shop couldnt get my brakelights to work once they fixed the other stuff. They actually had to put it on a flatbed and take it over to the Volkwagon dealer, who got the problem resolved, but the insurance was not wanting to pay for it saying that it wasnt crash related or something like that. Anyway, I aint paying for it so I guess they will get it figured out sometime this year. meanwhile, I continue to drive the rental from Hades.
Xmas was truly good. the twins got so much stuff I dont know what to say. Between their birthday and xmas, its a constant stream. I guess I should really just count blessings and be fortunate that the twins have grandparents and friends and family that are great benefactors.
well... 2007 is here. lets see what happens...
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