Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The snow storm of the century!!!!

Quick updates... Got snow/ice/sleet/freezin' rain over the weekend. While the kids seem to think this is a big deal, I just now view it as an inconvenience that disrupts schedules and causes panic. But I do remember the excitement as a kid so its all good for them... The twins continue to seem to do well in school... last Report card has I-Man with all A's while continuing to work on his handwriting, which is just a shade better than horrible. He also continues to to be the more scattered of the two in terms of just who he is, going from a tech oriented whiz with his DS, Lego's, kinetics, dinosaur books and computer games to reading his Kid's bedtime Bible every night before falling asleep.. with random emotional outburst and mood swings mixed in. Perhaps... that IS who he is.... and will be. Meanwhile Ryles latest Report card echos a general direction she has been heading in this year... A's and a B with a little note that the teacher feels she is under achieving. I ponder if she is bored in school... She continues to trend in an Artsy direction, being very interested in making things, drawing and music. But she is more even keeled, calculating and at times downright covert and conniving. At any rate, they BOTH clocked in with perfect attendance and Honor Roll. And to think that we were told that any potential kids we could have would be at a disadvantage. Interesting. Where are those comments now?

Spring is going to bring Soccer again soon for I-Man while Ryles is deep into her gymnastics and Dance/Tap. Oh , and lest I forget I-Man is into his tap too and actually seems to be better at Tap than his sister. The end of the year will see us have to seriously consider where/what to continue and what to drop as I-Man wants to do Scouts (which I think he will excel at) and time constraints will mean a choice for Ryles of one or the other going into the Fall. I want to start this Fall with a less regimented schedule in regards to there having to be SOMETHING everyday.

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