Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Emperor has....

I often tell my stealthy Romanian friends that despite what you often hear, not all Black Americans are lock step in line with blindly rooting for President Obama despite all the glaring signs that he could care less about Black Americans... and slowly but surely, I am hearing the people calling in ( to the radio talk shows like The Power, and America Left... what? I thought I only listened and watched and read Foxnews) who are speaking out against him, who.. gasp... are black. I suppose they have issues with their skincolor too, as I have been told I do... This guy, a highly respected man in the Black Community, is starting to have serious doubts and is voicing them... an interesting take.

And the next time ANYONE tries to offer up one of the typical excuses for our President, I will simply refer them to this article, which... by the way... aint Foxnews either.

1 comment:

Romanian Ioan said...

Interesting article, but last poll I saw had melanin-superior support of likely black voters down from 96% to 92%. Hardly earth-shattering though single percent could impact 2011 if race turns out Bush/Gore close. Think my private bet with you is still sadly safe at moment.