Monday, July 25, 2011


While I have previously mentioned a while back that no major trips of the century/summer/year wereplanned for this Summer 2011, i did anticipate that the twins would be able to spend extended time with Nana, Papa and Grandma. I am pleased that so far this has been true. Extended time at both Grandparents House has allowed Ryles and I-Man to hang out with them and spend simple quality time. While I have tried to hope that they wouldnt try to spoil them, I have come to expect that a little of that comes with the territory. At any rate, I-Man has had the opportunity to begin to learn to water ski (above) using the same waterskis Aunt Ellen, Uncle Wes and Jessica learned on... and while his first experience saw him fall repeatedly without really getting too far out of the water, I suspect the next time will see him go farther. As he matures, I sense his strength is growing.. especially as he rides his bike more and gets a little more physical endurance/strength.

The twins have been able to spend a bunch of time with cousin Madison as well, and with the impending arrival of another cousin I hope that the adventures for them will continue to flourish.

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