Sunday, January 01, 2012

i like Ikea. Really do.. they got some good stuff there. Ryles new loft bed comes from there. There is a computer shelf thingy that attaches to it that you can get. Looks like two long pieces of metal with some strategically placed hangers to place under the loft. Costs 99 dollars. A tad bit over-priced for the amount of product but I can understand the price point. Of course Charlotte and Atlanta dont have it in stock (do they have ANYTHING in stock?) and it seems I will have to ponder shipping it to us... until... well, I look at the cost to ship it. TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY NINE DOLLARS!!!!!!.... 249.00 to ship? Aint happening. I dont care if I win the lottery on Wednesday.. that aint happening....

1 comment:

Amy said...

That's how it is to ship all Ikea things, regardless of the base price. I contemplated getting a desk from there and having it shipped to my apartment in Auburn (in lie of buying it in Charlotte and driving three states and/or avoiding Atlanta) but when the shipping far outweighs the actual price of the item, you have to wonder.