Thursday, July 29, 2004

OK..tonight is a little strange

First of all...MORGAN FREEMAN is narrating Kerry's little film vignette? Morgan Freeman?

next, just talked for 20 minutes to Mr Clemons...james ...Jamie. He said he was drunk and that he was driving home and that he had 40 more miles to go and that he was going 85 miles an hour down the highway. Sigh... I certainly hope he makes it home alright. i told him to stop at a hotel or something...he wanted to get home and throwup. I hope he makes it home alright....

Rylee ate a bunch of cheese and gummy bears..then seemed bewildered as to why her stomach was hurting....


The Chinese ideogram for "trouble" symbolizes two women living under one roof.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


about nude pics
"The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it." -- C. P. Snow

Hopefully today I will get caught up.... (ha!)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


its 11:20pm and guess where I am? At work!!!! sometimes work is cool... sometimes work sucks. right now, i feel somewhat overworked. Its not that my superiors are giving me extra work. But that my staff resources are limited, i have no way to get around campus quickly, yet expectations remain high.

But...I still really like my job. Its just that right now is a kinda stressful time because it seems that the User Services and CIS department are everybodies whipping boy.

I've traveled here and everywhere followin' my job,
I've seen the paintings from the air brushed by the hand of God,
The mountains and the canyons reach from sea to shining sea,
but I can't wait to get back home to one He made for me,
'cause anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been,
nothin' takes my breath away like my front porch lookin' in!!

That's a carrot top that can barely walk with a sippy cup of milk,
a little blue-eyed blonde with shoes on wrong 'cause she likes to dress herself,
and the most beautiful girl holdin' both of them,
yeah the view I love the most is my front porch lookin' in!!


Hot Damn!!!!

IM GETTING A FALCONS TRAINING CAMP T SHIRT!!!!!!! now... I need to seriously think about where my allegiance is going to be this year. I have a habit of jinxing the team I pull for between the Panthers and the Falcons. I choose the Falcons, they go 3-13, the Panthers go to the Super Bowl. I choose the Panthers, they go 4-12, and the Falcons go to the Supper Bowl..... Gotta think very hard about it this time....

Monday, July 26, 2004

Taste test

Diet coke? Diet pepsi?... george bush? john kerry?
why do i have this feeling that we did this 4 years ago? polls showing both guys at 47, 48 a piece... ya know what that gets? law suits and Supreme Court rulings again.... sigh.....

Having to step it up a notch or two at work..the current climate at Furman has C & IS kinda in a stress test right now. Seems everyone is out to do us in. Hopefully, this new CIO will provide some leadership at the top. Right, now, we have some strong leadership from within, but no recognized leader to the community. Too bad my boss (jessica's mom) didnt apply for the CIO job. She would be a great CIO. of course, i wonder if the powers that be really want a great CIO, or someone to run over....

Man has tiny bones once meant for a tail and unworkable muscles once meant to move his ears.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

wall comes down...wall goes up

Many thanks to AJ, Ellen, Tex, Lynn amd especially Trent for the help and work of tearing down a wall and placing a new wall in the house we are moving to next month. Not sure Jessica and I could have done even remotely as good a job as Trent helped us do. Or should I say more appropriately, DID for us.

also, thanks to Brandy for watching the kids for us on Saturday all day long.

Lets see..Armstrong wins the Tour de Lance... Braves are still hanging around first place..Harvick still in the Top Ten in Nascar...gunshots and bullets are flying around the clemson football team...

Oh, my office furniture was placed in mostly on Friday. Not totally together. i suspect they will return first thing monday morn to finish. unfortunately, i have several things on my plate tomorrow and wont have time to "decorate" properly...that will have to wait till Tuesday or wednesday.

Falcons advance team arrived on friday...the big boys start wheeling around Furman tomorrow. this year I am going to actually attempt to get michael vicks autograph, since my satelitte storage area is next door to the Quarterback film study room.

"We will be friends until forever, just you wait see." - Pooh Bear

Friday, July 23, 2004

Article for the weekend

I had a discussion recently with Kristen about what I would do if my son was gay. With that in mind, I recently ran across this essay online. i thought it had some good points... I am always looking for different points of view to help me reach my own point of view.


By Tim Billiter

...Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me...
Christian hymn

I used to play in a gay men's volleyball league for several years. It was a fairly enjoyable experience, but it had its downfalls. The league was plagued by many of the same problems faced by humankind in general. There were personality conflicts, jealousy, attitudes, arrogance, "back stabbing", etc. It just seemed so normal; I didn't give it a second thought. I participated despite all of the dysfunction. Then, in 1994, I had and experience which changed my point of view.

About this time, friends of mine in the league were getting a team together for the upcoming Gay Games IV and they asked me if I wanted to participate. This was very flattering to me and I was more than thrilled to take them up on their offer. In hindsight, I am very glad I did.

I can honestly say that the 1994 Gay Games were one of the greatest events of my life. Besides the fact that it did wondrous things for my self-image, by helping me to release much of my own residual internal homophobia, it also gave me a chance to encounter what life could be like without political boundaries. It was a week where I saw people from every corner of the earth come together for the purpose of a unifying cause. Yes we were different, yes we were competing as athletes, but for that week we were one in the same. It was truly a life changing experience for me.

I went back to the world of my volleyball league and suddenly realized I didn't want to participate anymore. I had had a taste of life without pettiness, and I found myself miserable in these familiar surroundings. I managed to play that season, but quit there after and haven't played in the league since.

It was not until recently that it occurred to me that this small example held the key to my entire existence. As of late, I have been honestly looking at the world and my place in it. I have learned to live in a world where differences are considered threatening. I recently heard a line in a television show that suggested if one was to view the world from outer space; the one thing you would never see was boundaries. This is because they are only in our minds.

I realize as I write this that there will be those who will reject all of my thoughts and beliefs because of my sexuality. These are precisely some of the very boundaries of which I am speaking and this is just one example. I have to ask myself why I see everyone as separate from myself. Why do I choose to live in a world of petty differences even after I have had the privilege of experiencing life from a different point of view?

This is a call to me and to the world to wake up. We are killing each other because we don't agree. Why does someone have to be wrong for us to be right? People have existed on this earth in different places and with different ways of living for the entire history of man and they will continue to do so. If only one point of view is correct, how has the human race survived this long?

Today I understand that the world will never heal until we begin seeing ourselves as one. Our family is not restricted to bloodlines. Things that I would never find acceptable in relation to my immediate family, I choose to ignore when it comes to others. This has to stop. I cannot change what another does, but I can change my attitudes. Hopefully by doing so, I will affect the whole.

Copyright 2003 T A Billiter

You can contact Tim at: (

ah... just the right type of quote

"All [we are] trying to do is tell America we are not mascots.

We are people of dignity, we are people of character,
we are people of pride."

Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota Sioux), Olympic gold medalist, author, mentor, youth teacher,
speaking about the use of Native-American characterizations as sports team mascots
Now, where is my damn Braves jersey at? Go Braves!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Quote of the Day

"Friends are like television. Some are like PBS and always asking for money. Others are like the news, with sad tales to tell everyday, some are like that one station with the foreing language; you don't understand a word of it but you listen and watch anyway. And then there are the ones like the commercials, always changes, ever-so-annoying and only seem to be there when you are bored. But every once and a while you meet someone who's like a really good movie of the week or that one tv show you hardly ever get to see anymore because you're so busy. My point is hold on to the friends you care about and since we don't have a remote control to mute someone or just change the channel, pick your friends carefully."

I am not sure who to attribute this quote to, but i thought it to be pretty true.

I just checked in on the twins before I am going to take my shower and head to bed...they look like little robots re-charging overnight. Not sure why that imagery flashed into my head.

Missing People?

If you’re missing, it helps
to be young, white and female

That is what the story on MSNBC says. Alex Johnson, an MSNBC reporter brought up a great point, and I have to agree. While I feel for the families of all missing people, and certainly the current big story about the lady in Utah is tragic, why does it always have to be a young, white woman that gets all the national news? Ever see a big story about a young black woman? What, only young white women go missing?

...still a sad story, but you have to wonder about the slant the mjor media gives you.

I get my furniture tomorrow...Falcons arrive for training camp tomorrow (always fun dealing with them)...already have my new Aeron chair. Damn thing is AWESOME.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Is this worth it?

Ok...I KNOW Lynn (sporadically) Brandy, Lisa and Jessica Dean read this at times. i know Brown catches up about once a week..maybe. I am not even sure Jessica reads this anymore than perhaps once a couple of weeks... I just wonder today why I am doing this. Oh, i know I gave some sorta reason a while back. But today is one of those melancholy days... is a day when you kinda feel a little down. not sure totally why, but I do. It might be because my blood sugar has been a little high. That is a sure sign of some sort of stress with then I have to ponder why I might be stressed. Hell, i might not be stressed. i might just need to buckle down on my diet. I do know that I am starting to tire at 8:00 or so, and I still feel tired in the morn. I suppose I should just shut up and monitor my diet more carefully.

But i wonder if this blog is actually useful to those who read it. Or is it just a bunch of nothing? Or, is it even meant to be useful. it certainly isnt entertainment, is it? I suppose that it does let some friends have a geneal idea about whats going on with me and jessica and the twins. Maybe I should just give the kids an early bath and go to bed. i think i'm tired, and I think I am just..."blah". perhaps intelligent conversation with anyone might work. Hopefully Jessica will get home early tonight and fill me in on what house improvements she has done today.


"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." -Muhammad Ali

Tour de Lance?

This Tour de France thing is getting hilarious. Lance Armstrong today won the time trial up the side of a mountain about as steep as a elevator ride to take a lead by almost 4  minutes. The guy who was closest to him started 2 minutes ahead of him. LANCE PASSED HIM ON THE WAY UP! It just makes me laugh because the Euros get all hacked because an American is destroying them in their precious event. Start accusing of steriods and all that. Whatever.
..this is sorta like if the Germans got 50 guys together for a football team, and came over here and played all their games on the road, and won the Super Bowl 6 years in a row, the last year beating the All-Pro team 65-0 or something.  I would compare it to perhaps the Argentenians beating the USA in Basketball, but.. well, lets not revisit history.

 Choose in marriage only a woman whom you would choose as a friend if she were a man.     - Joseph Joubert, 1754 - 1824

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Color between the lines...

ah...nothing like seeing your kid coloring SpongeBob. Coloring, such beginnings of artistic expression, etc. She was kinda off, using a pink crayon to color in SpongeBob, who is yellow. Of course, the fact that SpongeBob was on my 32 inch Sony Trinitron Flat Screen TV was kinda alarming. To see crayon all over the screen is...well... not all that cute. Thank goodness a little Windex did the trick, or this event would not have been as amusing. Of course, the VCR full of Q-tips was kinda amusing, only because I can get one from my inventory of 50 at work. I guess that wouldnt have been as funny if I didnt have the job I do.

we move to our new house in Easley in about a month. Well, it isnt new, but it is a new location. Creek in the backyard, 2 acres of land, almost 1600 square feet. 3 bedrooms, 1 and half baths. Should be enough room. Some fix-up will be needed. But that will increase the value for when we sell sometime down the road. Kinda different layout... but not different if you look at the house from the rear instead of the front.

Plan to put the webcam in the kids room with a dedicated server when we get set-up there.

Instant camera!!!

For a few people, I have granted access to Jessica's AIM camera that is connected in our kitchen. If you are on her buddy list , you will be able to "video talk" to her..that is, the camera is always on and you can access picture and sound. You probably wont see will definitely hear a lot in the background if the kids are home.

Braves in first place.

Monday, July 19, 2004

I'm playing around with Sepia...

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Instant messenger news

A while ago, I had a failed attempt to talk to Lisa via Instant messenger. I am not sure, but I think she was trying to Direct Connect to me, and Icould hear what sounded like a baby perhaps, and someone typing. At any rate, i hope to get that fullu operational tomorrow, and with the webcam already installed, a microphone added to the CPu should do the trick. So...for anyone reading this who might want to talk to me or Jesica va Instant messenger, make sure you have the latest version, and contact us if you ever want to. jessica's AIM account is o ususally at the house, and i am on my account usually at work.


Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

- Robert Frost

Has it hit you yet? The realization that your kid is talking (or crying, or screaming...whatever) to you, and while you hear them, you still kinda tune them out...that kinda concerns me that i wonder if I have gotten to the point where it takes my kids several times saying something in order for me to answer. There is so much noise at home. Pandalerium, I tell ya... constant noise, and toys, food, trash...everywhere. sigh...

Friday, July 16, 2004

"What tha Hell is going on out here?" - Vince Lombadi

You Might Be A Redneck If. . . . . .
You go to a stock car race and don't need a program....

What is up with Julian Bond and
Kweisi Mfume? Why do they seem to feel that because they are the leadership of the NAACP, that they speak for me? Why does Spike Lee think that ALL people who go to Nascar Races are white? And that ALL those people are thinking of lynching black people? Why does the leadership of the Black community (whoever that might be) feel the need to constantly divide? And why is it that virtually none of that said Black community stood up and applauded Bill Cosby and his comments? However, it goes virtually unoticed by the mainstream that the "mainstream" black community agrees with Mr. Cosby, and that the mainstream Black Community yearns for a legitimate person to speak to them to the issues that are actually important. Of course, the actual question might be more of whether or not the Black community actually has to have a "leader" or " spokesperson". I am tired of the "40 acres and a mule" bit exposed by Spike Lee and etc. While I have enjoyed his movies and the messages in some of what he has tried to portray, I am not an extremist in that sort of thought. I understand that my Grandparents had a fight on their hands to be treated fairly, and that they made it better for my parents, who still had issues to deal with. Then I had it better than them, and (given a probable generation skip with my delay in having kids) my kids are in a far better world than what it was... at least in the USA concerning these issues. Are there still racists who would do nothing better than try to keep blacks, women, asians, muslims...whoever they are against, in a place of percieved inferiority? Yes.... hell, I know blacks that do the same thing toward other races, so it works all ways. What i do know is that when I see my kids at Daycare go get hugs from white, black, hispanic and asian kids everyday as they leave, there doesnt seem to be any racist thoughts among ANY of them. And it makes me smile to see that...and it saddens me to think that somewhere along the line, some of those kids wil be tainted by people like Spike Lee, or Julian Bond, into thinking that everyone is trying to keep them down... and thet Rylee and Ian are priviledged because of their heritage and light skin. It saddens me to think that there are people reading this who think that i was wrong to marry the person I did, and that i have somehow sold out. Well, as I have told people before...the good ship Happy Jackson Family left dock 5 and a half years ago, and the gloom and doom forcast by all the obsolete people we left behind has yet to come to pass...the boat is sailing along, heading toward to new horizon. Of course, some of those left behind seem to have caught a motorboat and caught up somewhat, but I have no room for the type of racist bullshit Julian Bond, Spike Lee, the KKK, NOW...whoever... wants to try to throw at me. I have left all that behind, and while I acknowlege that it exist, that I still have to fight it, that others still have to fight it, and that it will never truly go away (as all people are different)... I aint playin that game. that rant went from subject to subject..kinda shows how deep and complex the actual topic is... it also makes me think of the frat Im involved with, and how some brothers are always trying to bring that sort of stuff into it... some people are always tryin to make it a "women in the frat" issue...or "blacks in the frat" issue... they lose sight that it is a service to music issue that is what the Frat is all about. If you want to bring the women's right issues into the FRAT, NOW is what you need to be trolling with...the Black issue...NaaCP might be where you can rant and scream about that sort of stuff...


"When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less."
- Paul Brown

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Angry Shaq!!!

Today they traded Shaq to Miami. looking at the Miami Heat website, the slogan is "Shaq in Black" They already have Shaq jerseys and T's for sale. This is going to be huge.

mercy... Page 2 - Lakers ignored history's mistakes Page 2 - Lakers ignored history's mistakes

here's a couple of sports links that pretty much sum up my dissapointment with this whole Shaq/Kobe thing. I doubt the women will know or understand all this (Hell, most of the guys wont either)...but a couple of you will....

I am a Laker fan...for the moment. if Kobe stays, my allegience goes to the Bobcats. As I have told anyone who asks, I am a Shaq man, not a Kobe man.

also, you may want to check this link out too. Page 2 - The wrath of Fu

From the "ignorance is no excuse" department...

New York Daily News
Spike's pointed remark

Don't go looking for Spike Lee at any NASCAR events this summer.

The ornery movie director and Knicks fanatic nurses a paranoid fantasy about the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing circuit.

"I just imagine hearing some country-and-Western song over a loudspeaker at NASCAR: 'Hang them n-- up high! Hang them n-- up high!' I'm not going to no NASCAR," Lee vows in the August issue of Playboy.

Wow...considering that evertime I go to a race, all i hear is 3 Doors Down, Blink 182, John Mayer, Kid Rock, etc., I think that he is WAY off base. Now, i know there are probably some people who still think the way Spike describes, and some of them are probably at those races...but... those people are everywhere, unfortunately. Hell, in the fraternity I am involved with, they exist. And it still is going to take a while before that mentality to totally gone. If it ever does go away. Im sure their will always be someone somewhere thinking that sort of stuff...

..and they will get left behind.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

some observations...

...watching the All Star game... Barry Bonds looks suspiciously smaller than he did before all the steroid talk. HMMMMMMMMM???? I mean, he doesnt look as bulked up... mother and brother are off on a cruise this week. I went home to just check-in on things. I think one of the most shocking things I noticed while I was at the house was the sheer quiet. We have a quiet neighborhood right now, but this was so peaceful, so...quiet. I actually took a few minutes to walk around the property. So much has grown up now. The paths of my childhood through the fields and woods are mostly gone. it seems that my uncle has tried to keep the major pathways behind the house cut. I started to walk them, but thought better since no one was there in case I ran across some animal not used to people coming across them. Perhaps I shall return this Fall and walk around some. And I asked myself if I missed that sort of quiet. Actually, no. I dont miss it. Its cool, and somewhat comforting, but I also sense a detachment from the world that I am not ready to do away with right now. No cable out where I grew up. Internet access by dial-in. At any rate, i think I like Greenville. and this area. I like being able to access civilization and be at a Mall in 20 minutes. While the area near my home has experienced growth, it still is out in the country. Living there would be a drastic change.

The trip last weekend to see Kristen and Erik was nice. I miss them both, and the effortless banter that comes from that type of relationship. I certainly will try to get a more frequent dialogue with these guys. And I certainly need to try to figure out how to do better with Lynn and Brandy, as it seems as though my only contact with them now comes through thier contact with Jessica.

Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you

- Paul Simon


"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
- Mark Twain

Sweet Adelines are in town...lots of extra work for the singin sorority.

Legionaires something or another in Furman Hall......yeah, right! One lady gets sick and she freaks out and brings the entire University to a stand still. Tests are supposed to come back tomorrow, but the way i see it, if the construction guys are still in the building, things are just fine. You KNOW they wouldnt be in that building if something like that was up. Those guys wont even get within 10 miles of a building wih asbestos, so you know they dont mess around with this sort of stuff.

Monday, July 12, 2004

This is Kristen. She was not amused. She is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her first child this October. It was great to see her, and we must make sure that the time between seeing each other isnt great.
This is Brown... most people call him Erik. His neighborhood is behind him.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Brown talks

this is an audio post - click to play

wow... that is a little strange... Brown sounded very familiar.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Jazz from Brooklyn

this is an audio post - click to play

Ok, so the music overloaded the phone....

this is the African Jazz that Brown and i went to listen to in Manhatten. We then went to a bar in brooklyn heights , that Brown has a crush of the bartender, who is also the owner.

Lots of subway riding pictures, didnt feel like carting the camera around

Friday, July 09, 2004

From New Jersey

I am coming to you via cellphone the stuning speed of 14.4k. I got to Kristens last night, and we had dinner, then went to Ritas, some sort of local ice cream establishment. I had a sugar-free lemonade slushie sorta thing. Today, we went to the Avolio business, where I saw the parents and kristen's brother, Michael. (Kinda funny...her brother, her father and now her husband are all named Michael.) After lunching at a local diner, we then went to some outlets in Jersey and then into Pennsylvania. We then met Michael and had dinner at a pretty nice restaurant. Michael and I shared a couple of bottles of wine, then we returned to her house here in Jersey. I then watched the Braves implode, then logged in here. I am currently watching the Yankees propaganda network YES and understanding just why they have to spend the money they do on their team...

Tomorrow, i wake up, grab some breakfast, then head into Manhatten, then Brooklyn to meet up with Brown. We will take the Subway into "the City" to the Bronx, to see the Yankees play the Deviled Eggs at 4:00. Its Old Timers day, so I hope to get to the stadium early and take some pix from our bleacher seats.

I will definitely post some pix from Brooklyn tomorrow night before I return home on Sunday...

Its been almost 5 years since I have been here to this area directly. Althought I drove throught here on my way to Kristens wedding, i didnt stop... wow, how time flies.It has been way too long. I need to do better keeping contact with these people for they are so important to me.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

hittin the road

I leave in the morn for New Jersey. It's a haul, but I plan to see if I can get to Kristen's house in 11 hours, 1 tank of gas and 3, 10 minute stops. We shall see. I will post tommorow night, dialing in using the celly.

Jessica and the twins are off to Florence for the weekend.

I hope the office doesnt implode while i'm gone. I felt really good leaving the office today...for the first time in a while when I have been leaving town. I will have to still do business on the road, which sucks.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Ian gives Rylee an hug.
Fireworks at our house. A somewhat subdued happening...twins still a little "alarmed" by them...
This is my Mother. She came to visit on July 4th. Her name is Patricia.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

July 4th

We Shall Be Free
Written by: Garth Brooks, Stephanie Davis

This ain't comin' from no prophet
Just an ordinary man
When I close my eyes I see
The way this world shall be
When we all walk hand in hand

When the last child cries for a crust of bread
When the last man dies for just words that he said
When there's shelter over the poorest head
We shall be free

When the last thing we notice is the color of skin
And the first thing we look for is the beauty within
When the skies and the oceans are clean again
Then we shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, walk proud
'Cause we shall be free
When we're free to love anyone we choose
When this world's big enough for all different views
When we all can worship from our own kind of pew
Then we shall be free
We shall be free

We shall be free
Have a little faith
Hold out
'Cause we shall be free

And when money talks for the very last time
And nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race and that's mankind
Then we shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith, hold out
We shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, have a little faith

We shall be free

Well...I doubt that this is going to happen while we're alive...but I truly think that my children as well as the children of people like Lynn/Trent, Lisa/Tj, Kim/Jeremy, Andrea/Will, Sara/Danny, Lisa/Brian, Kristen/Michael, Matt/Janet and coutnless others (I only listed those I KNOW have seen this page, i apologize for anyone omitted)will have a far better world, and the background to make it even better than what it was for us...

God, I love those Red Sox

Wow... the Red Sox may have single handedly turned the Braves season around. The season is still not quite at the All-Star break, but there are stirrings of life. I have gone back to the flag pole and am pondering bringing down the white flag i raised earlier. I might have to lower the white flag, raise the Braves colors and hunker down for a pennant race with the Phillies, Mets and Marlin(s). By the way, isnt the plural spelling of Marlin..Marlin? seven Marlin, the Marlin are swimming away? I need to look that up...

Useless fact(?) Using the software, researchers estimated it would take 124 weapons to destroy the U.S. and 51 to eliminate Russia as a country. The computer program mimics the U.S. military's SIOP, or Single Integrated Operational Plan, which outlines the targeting of America's nuclear weapons and the likely consequences of each attack.

Ah...I found the answer to my question above... using the Toronto Maple Leafs (a hockey team)as an example.

[T]he noun being pluralized is not leaf, the unit of foliage, but a noun based on the name Maple Leaf, Canada's national symbol... [A] noun that does not get its nounhood from one of its components cannot get an irregular plural from that component either; hence it defaults to the regular form Maple Leafs.
Same goes for The Florida Marlins (the plural of marlin is marlin).

Thought for today
"Remember! Things in life will not always run smoothly. Sometimes we will be rising toward the heights - then all will seem to reverse itself and start downward. The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward, that a line drawn through the middle of the peaks and the valleys of the centuries always has an upward trend." -- Endicott Peabody

Friday, July 02, 2004


ah, the esteemed Brown tried to tactfully drop that word in on me, albeit as a joke, but thought he might slip that one by me... Of course, the esteemed Brown realizes that that is absolutely not true, especially when he remembers the good ole college days...

by the way, when some one who makes more money in one year than me, my children, their children...and probably THEIR children will make in their lifetimes goes into the stands to catch a ball, and scratches his face, I dont see what the big deal is. ISNT THAT WHAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO DO? afterall, he is the Captain of the FREAKIN NEW YORK YANKEES!!!...he better go diving after that ball...

...raining a lot here in Greenville this summer. Only one day over 90 degrees so far. People complaining about the rain... hmm, are these the same people who were complaining about the drought a couple of years ago? Rather have the rain and lower temps anyday, than dried up brown grass and dead vultures in the road. People cant stand prosperity.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Propaganda and the Elite Academia

The Head Librarian came to my office today to ask about a placement of a control panel in the new renovations. When she is about to leave, she ask me if that is Rush Limbaugh I have on the radio. (I always have the radio on either Talk Radio, or Sports Talk in my office, and either Foxnews or MTV on the TV) I said yes (although it was actually Mike Gallagher), and she proceeded to tell me that she "hope you don't believe the stuff he says"... Now, I was annoyed because that was a rather pretentious thing to say (this coming from someone people call pretentious at times) to someone you hardly know, outside of the professional relationship we have at work.I told her that I listen to Conservative Talk Radio because it gives me a different point of view, blah, blah, blah... kinda funny, because I think she almost immediately realized that she was out of bounds and started talking about being in the Library, and it being a place of information, and knowing as much as possible....WHATEVER, she was just trying to keep me from being pissed off. Plus the fact that she seems to want to micromanage everything about the library, including me...but I dont answer to her, nor does her name appear at anypoint in the heirachy flowchart running all the way up to the President. I can see problems on the horizon with this...

Now, I must admit that I have become more conservative as I have gotten older. But I would not classify myself as a Republican, or right-wing. I think Moderate, or conservative democrat, or...perhaps... Independent is more what I am right now. I agree with "conservatives" on many issues, and I agree with "liberals" on many issues. I also disagree with both groups on some issues. So... anyway, I listen to talk radio because i like to hear what that side is saying. And I must admit, the Air America solution drove me batty after about 20 minutes. I just wish the Air America people didnt have to act like an extension of NPR. It just sounds like a bad Saturday Night Live Skit of NPR all the time.