Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Tour de Lance?

This Tour de France thing is getting hilarious. Lance Armstrong today won the time trial up the side of a mountain about as steep as a elevator ride to take a lead by almost 4  minutes. The guy who was closest to him started 2 minutes ahead of him. LANCE PASSED HIM ON THE WAY UP! It just makes me laugh because the Euros get all hacked because an American is destroying them in their precious event. Start accusing of steriods and all that. Whatever.
..this is sorta like if the Germans got 50 guys together for a football team, and came over here and played all their games on the road, and won the Super Bowl 6 years in a row, the last year beating the All-Pro team 65-0 or something.  I would compare it to perhaps the Argentenians beating the USA in Basketball, but.. well, lets not revisit history.

 Choose in marriage only a woman whom you would choose as a friend if she were a man.     - Joseph Joubert, 1754 - 1824

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