Tuesday, July 27, 2004


its 11:20pm and guess where I am? At work!!!! sometimes work is cool... sometimes work sucks. right now, i feel somewhat overworked. Its not that my superiors are giving me extra work. But that my staff resources are limited, i have no way to get around campus quickly, yet expectations remain high.

But...I still really like my job. Its just that right now is a kinda stressful time because it seems that the User Services and CIS department are everybodies whipping boy.

I've traveled here and everywhere followin' my job,
I've seen the paintings from the air brushed by the hand of God,
The mountains and the canyons reach from sea to shining sea,
but I can't wait to get back home to one He made for me,
'cause anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been,
nothin' takes my breath away like my front porch lookin' in!!

That's a carrot top that can barely walk with a sippy cup of milk,
a little blue-eyed blonde with shoes on wrong 'cause she likes to dress herself,
and the most beautiful girl holdin' both of them,
yeah the view I love the most is my front porch lookin' in!!


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