Monday, December 19, 2005

this must be what hell is like

OK...power went out at my house on Thursday morning. I havent seen any Power trucks or anybody come down my street. No power since Thursday morning. All food in fridge and freezer ruined. House in somewhat of a disarray. My frustration level is probably about as high as it has been in years. I have called and called and everytime, i get a run around. Everyplace around my house has had power since Saturday night morning. My street doesnt. And I am pretty much fed up. I have spent the past 3 days bumming showers and warms meals off of people and I just gave up and stayed at home last night. And I went by the office today and asked them , and all they could do was shrug and say"we're working as hard as we can". But I see NO trucks anywhere. There are some who seem to think I am living some sort of vacation. I am fortunate that Jessica's parents are off for Christmas now, or I would have had the twins in the dark. I dont know what i will do if i get home this evening and there is no power. I am tired of it.

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