Sunday, March 19, 2006

Erik Browns people and...the KKK

Yeah..thank you Korea..then screw you, Mexico. whatever....

For the most part, i hardly ever think about racial stuff. i was raised pretty much in a household where it was a non issue. Occasionally though, i do think about it...for a few minutes.... then i move on to the Braves score, or who won the race, or what else silly is going on on KKpsi. but recently I have had several observations regarding racial stuff....

1) When i go to Ian's soccer games, i am struck by the fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people on the playing fields. And I am probably more correct with the "thousands" mark, with kids, parents, grandparents, etc. And out of all those people, i can count on ONE hand the amount of black people i see. I am struck by this because I guess all the black kids are out at the park trying to hone their games to get to the NBA...snicker.... And i know that to make that generalization is way off base. but sure does seem that way.

2) Today, we went and flew kites ( or tried to...the wind was not helpful...or should I say LACK of wind) and afterward Ian and Rylee are playing on the playground thingy. Some guy pulls up in a car with his daughter, and she gets out and comes running over. She's there like, maybe 25 seconds before she goes cowering over with her dad. I kinda notice that but i was busy putting the kites back into the Explorer. All of a sudden, i look up and they are back in their car and leavin. i'm like thinkin "what the hey?". Surely, there wasnt some sort of racial issue there, was there? their loss, I say.

3) I am working in a new place now. And the environment there is SO much better than anywhere else i have worked. I enjoyed working for my boss at Furman, but the climate there , other than her, was so sour, it was pathetic. But where i am now, while it is definitely Corporate, and button down, the culture is light years better. And i am making more money than i was anywhere else. But the biggest thing i have noticed is that there are a significant amount of black peope working there. And they are not the food staff in the caferteria, or the custodians emptying the trash or cleaning the toilets. They are the people working in the tech positions and management positions. No, it isnt a "black owned" company... actually, far from that. But they do beleive in a diverse workplace, and i am in an environment where I can look around me and see black, white, hispanic, asian and women all working together as equals. And as i think about it, i realize that the custodians and caferteria workers are all white. hmmm...maybe this IS a Saturday Night Skit with Eddie Murphy.... maybe it is....

...watchin the Knicks play my Miami Heat. Need to track down that Heat t soon.

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