Friday, June 30, 2006

Upcoming...4th stuff...

headin to the Greenville Drive game tonight withthe twins. not sure how long we will be staying, but if we make it to the end, we'll get to see fireworks!!!! And where we're sitting, we might get a chance at a foul ball....

Seems like The Dealmaker was not enough for Sammy Snake and his little bruh, Sid. Hit them both off the rocks at the creek with The Dealmaker, and I hadnt seen them since. Last weekend, jessica's father brought us a pellet gun. Now...I had a BB gun when i was little, and The Dealmaker seemed to be as powerful a BB gun as I has ever shot. But this Pellet Gun is the real deal. I shall call it... THE TRUTH. well, anyway, as i headed out to pick up some "bac-o biskits" for the twins this morn, i noticed big Ole Sammy Snake sunnin himself. I'm like.."heh, heh, heh... we'll see just what THE TRUTH is made of. So, took aim (did I mention that THE TRUTH has a sight?) and fired a couple of times. Missed the first 3 times, but i think Ols Sam noticed somethin was up, because he started to move. I quickly loaded, cocked and fired a pellet that hit him... that got his attention but i think it only stung him because i put the pellet in backwards. keep in mind I'm about 30 yards away...that sight is coming in quite handy. Quickly reloaded, and took a breath. Fired... "THWACK!!!!!!!"... hit him in the body, knocked the fire out old Sam, back up the rock a bit. He was squirlin like all get out then fell into the water. I think that really hurt him. made my way down...but I've seem bits and pieces of too many movies...I aint no fool. I kept my distance. He aint coming up the pathway, And I got..THE TRUTH.

Monday, June 26, 2006

58.3 percent of statistics are

58.3 percent of statistics are made up

but..then again.... phone is randomly calling people on my contacts list. Called lisa the other day. i didnt realize it till I got a voice mail back from her. I went and looked at my call log and...yep...called her. except I didnt even know it. maybe my pone is tryin to tell me something

where are we now

...ok...looks like Jessica is heading to the beach this week. I have managed to get my mother to see after the twins while i work until thursday. I might try to take the twins to the Drive game this Friday, since that is fireworks night at the Ole Ball park. but I am not sure if they will sit thru a nine inning game, or if it would really be a good idea by myself. I kinda am not sure what to think of things at times. its kinda weird that i am somewhat connected, yet i know that i could literally have a phone plan of 10 minutes a month, and not even be remotely worried of going over my minutes. Over the past 3 weeks, i have sent random txt messages to people, asking a question here or there, and.... its like everyone seems to feel that .10 is going to break them. i know, i bet someone will reply and flame me about something or another, but, oh well... i just sometimes feel like the way I try to communicate, no one seems to like. yeah, i know...bitchin about something that aint going to change. i guess i gotta try another tack. times a wastin for me and no use sittin around cryin to myself about it.

"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." - Jane Austen

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

this is an awesome website!!!!!

go here for a great website.... click here!

the litany of sadness...

my high school football team- seemingly heading back to the sad sack form of the mid 70's... The Braves - 14 straight titles, but seemingly woeful (at least the relief pitching is) this year... the Panthers - fallen 1 game short after being exposed in the NFC title game...The Clemson Baseball team - crash and burn... USA Soccer - not too promising... Clemson Football - the usual 8-3 record, winning a couple they shouldnt and losing one they shouldnt.... Tar heel basketball - rebuilding... Clemson basketball - sucks... the #29 car- hanging on to the top ten for dear life, usually finishes 13th every race... I could go on...the Celtics - SUCK!... but..BUT... finally... Finally...FINALLY!!!!...FINALLY!!!!... the team of my boyhoo- well, at least the team i pull for in the NBA right now, since they have Superman, The Diesel, The Big Aristotle...SHAQ FU!!!! with Flash pulling a Michael team won. I can be happy watching Sportscenter for a morning of repeated shows.

p.s. this is for Old Man Brown... WHERE"S YOUR BOY NOW?????

Monday, June 19, 2006

Ho hum... Jessica and the

Ho hum... Jessica and the kids are in florence... I'm workin... Sigh...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

runnin around time

Packed up the Explorer today, went to Dicks sportin goods, picked up a shirt for jessica's father... the went to Whole Foods here in town. that was pretty slick, got lunch there. Although i guess the whole foods concept isnt feelin Diet Stuff.... No Arizona Diet Green tea..but plenty o other flavors... hit Frankies Fun Park I-Man and Ryles hit the Skee ball, with mixed results, but I-man was smitten with the go carts. Went on a ride in a 2 seater, thought there was going to be an issue when I-man couldnt get into the blue car (single seater)a dn started to throw a fit ( seemingly regular occurance these days with the twins ) , but i buckled him in and took off. I-man grinned the entire time as I let a mother and her daughter catch up, pass, and then i rooted her out for the pass on lap 3. I-Man then proceeded to show his rear at the Bible School end O week thingy he was supposed to be singing, signin, and dancin in with Ryles. He seemed to think that it was time for him to attack Ryles..but as usual, ryles was an instigater anyway... then hit the ice cream social, had a couple of nice people proposition me to have us become regular members, etc. then hit Mauldin's Fine foods for a dinner...pretty full day....

Friday, June 16, 2006


Today, we are going out and perhaps I might see if the twins want to ride in a go-cart at Frankies. I want to go to a Greenville Drive game in a couple of weeks with everyone. Ryles gotsome pink Crocs yesterday, and that may have been a mistake, as jessica was unable to get her to realize that they did not match the outfit she had on today. So she is going to wear pink crocs everywhere now....

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sometimes when I post to

Sometimes when I post to my blog, I post from my Treo. Thats why my post can be short sometimes. Im limited to 160 characters a post.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In the words of the

In the words of the great jdwyatt..."Put a log on!".. It is a bit chilly outside. Actually, I am liking this cool thing today.


Monday, June 12, 2006

Well... At least the USA

Well... At least the USA team looked good in their jerseys... Maybe the ugly white ones were needed.



Finally the US plays a match!!! Very happy to see the USA in what I beleive to be the best jersey they have ever worn...the all blue, with a red and white strip across their chest, with the number dead center, and the crest over the heart. One of the best jerseys in the Cup, i think. not too fond of the white jersey the USA has, though.

Now, goota see if the team can even win one match is this thing....

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Heat suddenly frigid... Sigh... At

Heat suddenly frigid... Sigh... At least the Tigers have made the college world series


Friday, June 09, 2006

Snake! Seems to be a

Seems to be a couple of snakes down by the creek. I shot one with the Dealmaker.. Not sure if it killed it, but they exist.

World cup starts now! At

World cup starts now! At least this will keep my mind off of the rebuilding Braves. Get to look for bonfires in the stadiums...

Ryles wanted a picture of her in her new skirt.
Have to have a pic of I-Man to balance things out.... He couldn't pose. Power rangers as on TV.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just foolin around with a different point of view

...the pix above and below are just some different stuff I am experimenting with. You dont actually have to answer the questions. Mostwill probably know who these people are.
Can you guess who this is?
Can you guss who this is?
Can you guess who this is?
Can you guess who this is?
Can you guess who this is?

summer clean-up?

Im tryin to work on cleaning up around the house and getting rid of extraneous stuff, which is hard to do. I've developed a house schedule, that i think we can loosely follow. I hope to be able to have reached this goal bymidweek next week of having a bunch of crap done aaway with.

well...still a dumbass...

...supposedly they found Buck, who s supposedly the guy who killed the coed in Central. His Dna matches, so its pretty damning to him. he still doesnt seem like the gy I would have thought to be the killer, but the evidence is pretty strong. ...still, what a dumbass.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Tigah town makes bigtime....

...for all the wrong reasons. That girl who was strangled has brought a lot of attention. I feel for her family and I hope justice comes to her and her family soon. All I have to say to the guy who did this...and I doubt he's worrying about reading some blog right!!!!!! . this fool takes the girls ATM card, and immediately tries to use her card at a local bank...AT 3:35AM.... TRIED TO ACCESS THE CARD 4 TIMES AT ONE BANK, AND TWICE AT ANOTHER....WITH A FRAKKIN BAnDANNA OVER YOUR FACE!!!!.... with your SUV in the background... they got your FRAKKIN DNA!!!!!...DUMBASSS!!!!... and guess what...the fact you kept trying to access the card probably means that you thought you knew her well enough to possibly guess the PIN number. and they will have a record of what numbers you tried to use. and I bet you used numbers that only you would only know. I bet...just bet.... they already have an idea. they just are waiting for one of your "buddies" to go ahead and turn your DUMBASS in.


oh, and they found her ID on the side of the road heading out 76 past Tri County Tech. That further narrows down the direction.

... sigh.....


No forced entry...tsk, tsk, tsk....

and of course, you KNOW that there wouldn't be all this attention if it would have been some random black girl killed... instead, we got another blond haired, blue eyed, young, pretty coed plastered all over the place. sigh.... not that it shouldnt merit justice for the woman.


oh...and I must say that I happen to like blond haired, blue eyed, young, pretty coeds....

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Ok...we livin in a 2 story house. Downstairs is always cool, partly because its underground. Upstairs is a problem when it gets warm. as in...when it gets above 90 outside, its inclined to get toasty upstairs. So, the AC man is here right now. And its already coolin down upstairs. Now it will be bearable going to sleep for the twins. Now dont get me wrong. I grew up with NO ac in my house. all we had was windows open, and portable fans. Once you get used to it, you really dont notice it. But i think that when you have a heat pump, and it isnt coolin like it should, its a bit more on your mind....

...ok...went out and paid AC man. His son is in high school band...chit chatted about that for a while. is a huge diffence inside now. like...its coolin amazing what some refrigerant will do for ya. i think this will make a difference with i-man...he seems to be a tad bit more bothered by heat, keeping him from going to sleep...although that is probably an excuse he has congured up to stay awake.