Monday, June 26, 2006

where are we now

...ok...looks like Jessica is heading to the beach this week. I have managed to get my mother to see after the twins while i work until thursday. I might try to take the twins to the Drive game this Friday, since that is fireworks night at the Ole Ball park. but I am not sure if they will sit thru a nine inning game, or if it would really be a good idea by myself. I kinda am not sure what to think of things at times. its kinda weird that i am somewhat connected, yet i know that i could literally have a phone plan of 10 minutes a month, and not even be remotely worried of going over my minutes. Over the past 3 weeks, i have sent random txt messages to people, asking a question here or there, and.... its like everyone seems to feel that .10 is going to break them. i know, i bet someone will reply and flame me about something or another, but, oh well... i just sometimes feel like the way I try to communicate, no one seems to like. yeah, i know...bitchin about something that aint going to change. i guess i gotta try another tack. times a wastin for me and no use sittin around cryin to myself about it.

"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." - Jane Austen

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