Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why name your child this?

Talked to a woman today at work. her first name was Detail. ???????

My car is starting to annoy me. The door lock/alarm mechanism is acting strange and the key isnt unlocking the door remotely (well, the battery is dead, so that is part of the problem). But I can get in the car and drive down the road and the driver door will randomly lock. probably a fuse issue

Ok, I am not sure about the brokeback guy as the Joker in "The Dark Knight" He isnt what I would picture to be in that role. i guess Jack Nicholson kinda ruined that for me...

Shaq..Kobe...Christmas day...AGAIN

and why do I keep getting football gear catalogs with the Patriots on the front. I suspect that someone familiar with my hatred of the New England patriots is making sure I get catalogs with pictures of a tom brady jersey on it, knowing full well that ever since he stole that Super Bowl ( and they would have won) from the Raiders, it just hasnt been the same. Although I did see a interesting Brady throwback somewhere else the other day....

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