Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bill Belicheat

SOOOOOO....... the Patriots got caught...AGAIN. Hmmm...makes you wonder now and think back to all those reports about how teams used to always say after playing the Patriots that it seemed as if the Patriots knew what play they were going to run, or defense they would be in. Hmmmmmmm?????? Now, when you see those plays of Brady having all day to throw the ball and always having the right play called for the blitzes....kinda makes you realize..."hey, maybe they DID know what was coming." Tsk, tsk.... And to whoever keeps sending me the Patriots catalog, how ya feelin now. And if you dont know...I HATE THE PATRIOTS!!!! and if i have to see anymore of Brady and the sports writers fawning over him (even though he seemingly can impregnate supermodels out of wedlock and get a pass), I'll smash my HDTV. wait... I take that back cause I know that will

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