Monday, September 24, 2007

ok...and now for the real part of the schedule...

...Tigers are 4-0. GaTech might not be as good as we thought, but will be a real test in the ATL. Adversity will show its head this Saturday and we'll start seeing the true team....

...Panthers bounce back against my old team....

...Braves..tsk, tsk... way too little, way too late...

Went and saw lil Harwood on Friday night. The twins went a tad wild playing. I-man had his soccer match and he spent time as goalie and returned to his role as a midfielder. I am still not sure if he is Forward/Stryker material and he seems far more comfortable playing the "Fullback" role and sweeping in and getting the ball from players attacking the goal. We'll see as he advances to the next level and gets away from the "one mob around the ball" game it is now... then went down to Cola to see Aunt Ashley, Uncle Wes and cousin Madison. watched Clemson take care of business and the Gamecocks go down in flames, then returned home late Saturday...

not sure if i even want to comment on a lot of the racial stuff that is in the news. I guess I could, then wait for the anonymous posters to chime in....but...nah.... maybe tomorrow. Got stuff to do...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Tigers...Beat Tech