Thursday, April 09, 2009

wow..a week just up and flew by... went to SED convention, Crached with Aunt Ellen... sat thru Frat elections and started another work week, caught a quick plane to London for a few hours, then voila, here we are a whole week later.

I have taken the time to ponder if it was just me feeling "sour" grapes or if other friends of mine thought the same way in regards to the Divine Prophet of Hope and Change who can do no wrong and certainly deserves the benefit of the doubt with any experience or track record for us to go on, according to those who say I should just "get over it" Well, today surfaces the video that Obama goes and bows before the Saudi King. Um... our supposed leader BOWS BEFORE ANOTHER LEADER OF A COUNTRY? Well...I have heard from TJ, Patrick, John and Mark who all piped up that they felt the same way. That it is simply getting I know it isnt just me. I am not just going to sit and just say nothing. If others want to be naive and keep their head in the sand and Hope that Obama will Change, so be it. I am going to speak up. At least I will have spoken my mind and stood for something, even if I am proven wrong in the end. I am not going to stand in the shadows with my fingers crossed that the policies that have failed over and over in the past are suddenly going to magically work...this time. If they do... well...miracles do happen. And it would be a good thing.

I have often said that Brown and I are basically standing on the opposite edges of the same coin. He took a position and has backed up his position with reasoned thought and discussion. I can respect that and am willing to allow that at least he has researched why he believes what he believes. I have done the same thing as I dont want to go out on a limb and not be able to speak coherently on all these topics. (i guess Brown is my Obama... dude, when you going to run for Alderman or something?....)

At any short...Obama?...really, dude?... you are going to represent me and bow to the Saudi King? You dont see the Saudi king bowing to Obama, do you? Does Obama really want to show us as being that weak?

On deck... Aunt Ellen, Uncle Wes, Aunt Ashley and cousin Madison coming into town Friday for a birthday gig, reunion sorta thing on Saturday. people crashin on the floor and stuff at the house. Cable people supposed to coming on Saturday morn at 7am (yeah...right...) for the THIRD HD cable box... Direct TV telling me I got to cut down this huge tree by the creek in order for them to put a dish right by the road on a pole in our front yard, looking back over the house... RESET the Direct TV idea for the moment and more reseach is coming on that for the moment. I will sluff by on the 2 and a half HD channels soon to be bankrupt Charter is driveling to my flatscreen.

Braves start off good, then bullpen implodes in 3rd game....sigh...

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