Monday, March 22, 2010

short week, then a long haul

this is a rather short week because we are leaving at midnight (or so) on Friday morn to go shoot a wedding in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The kids will get to spend the night at the Harwoods, go to school, then see Grandma... then see Nanna and Papa in a weekend of switchoffs for them. of course, they see it as adventurama... fortunately Spring Break is for the kids next week.

i am trying to practice as this shoot is going to be all manual but keep running into the usual "please dont take a picture of me! blah, blah, blah" which is extremely frustrating. so all i ever get to take photos of are rocks, trees, grass, and the occasional sleeping cat. and then people wonder why i dont take photos anymore... kinda a downer when everytime i try to take a picture, everyone shoves their hand in my face... and i mean everyone... do my pictures suck that i take of everyone?

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Most people just don't like to have their picture taken. You shouldn't take it so personally. I think you take great pictures!