Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. --Dr. Seuss

well last week was eventful... full of travel and seeing old friends... first stop was in Raleigh to see the Wyatts... we had an opportunity to sit around and eat wings and sip Canadian Mist while the kids ran around and had fun... Raleigh is a long way and traffic sux there... just sayin. But I do think time between visits was waaaay too long. But their relative proximity to Florence will make it easier in the future to plan something out. perhaps a day trip into town and a trip to the museum in town or some other sites. Got a chance to see Josh's EV car... needs a little work still but looks close to being a reality, it seems... Josh also (with Alicia's help) gathered up a lot of photo albums and photos from the FRAT from WAYYYYY back and gave to me to give to the Historian. A lot of pix of the colony members and pix of the Alpha thru Delta classes...

Then it was off to New Jersey, traveling up 95 around Washington, thru traffic, under Baltimore Harbor, thru traffic, around Philly, thru traffic and across to Jersey to Kristen... thru traffic. Hung out and ate Chinese and then woke up the next day and traveled into NYC... thru... NO traffic for the most part. Into Manhatten, across Chinatown, across the bridge into Brooklyn where we met up with Aunt Pam and Uncle Erik and then headed onto the subway to go into NYC to go to the Museum of Natural History. We ate a dog from the street vendors and then spent around 4 hours roaming around inside. I was impressed that the kids could have stayed even longer and had a LOT of fun.... we then went across Central Park to FAO Swartz and I-Man got him a cool SPACE PATROL lego set while Ryles made herself a bracelet... then back on the subway where we then went to Browns work place which seems to be flourishing.... we then went and grabbed some dinner at a cool joint in Brooklyn, then hit up Brooklyns Best Ice cream and spent some time under the Brooklyn Bridge at a park there enjoying the great view and the nice cool temps... then back to Jersey...

The next day saw us with the Redmonds hitting Dorney Park, a Carowinds type place (coincidentally owned by the same company) with some mean coasters that i managed to avoid riding. There were a couple of other ones that I-Man rode and several kiddie rides I enjoyed immensely. Temperatures were great and we managed to spend almost seven hours there deftly navigating all the fun with the occasional expected melt downs... Red Robin for dinner and a incredibly cool candy store treat from the Redmonds for dessert ended the day. I was kinda amused and sad to have to leave. As always time is way to short on these visits and seeing how much I-Man enjoyed playing with Kristen's son was cool...the twins got along great with all the kids. Kinda strange thinking about how we never could have imagined this 15/19 years ago....

The next day saw the loooong trip back, hitting Cracker Barrel at the exact same place and exact same parking spot as the year before... back home to reality, back at work and already mentally planning... for next year.

1 comment:

Andee said...

What a nice trip!