Thursday, June 10, 2010

today is the last day o school for the kids. Looking back, i try to remember what that was like for me. And I can barely remember... kinda scary. I can remember that it was always kinda sad as it always seemed like August was SO FAR AWAY. And that I didnt hear from or see any of my friends for the entire summer. Now... I think of how August seems like tomorrow for me. Plans for June and July are set and I am thinking of the August timeline and how I might be able to fit a Darlington truck race into family stuff. I can realistically think of what is planned for every weekend thru July. Kinda weird getting ready for school again, already. What book bags will they have? Will they go LLBEAN again or something totally different? in a related note, I-Man made Tiger Strip Brownies for his class today. And he left me a note telling me not to touch his brownies last night... kinda funny.


Florida John said...

Uhmmm... Rome... think that's "striped". Me wonders if you've made a Freudian slip / what you've got your mind on?

Grandpa said...

no... i was thinking about the stripes. No pole dances anytime in recent memory for me....