well.. it wasnt exactly a 65 yard field goal in triple overtime... but I will now up the ante and say that if the Broncos win in Foxboro on Sunday, something strange is going on... there is conjecture with some guys at work that Tebow might be... just hang with me a second and hear me out... the Anti-Christ. Only he doesnt even know it. It is almost B movie like (or Disney Channel-like) how things just seem to magically go his way. people on the other team get hurt, a ball bounces a strange way, some guy does some inexplicable thing on the field, a timely penalty... all sorts of stuff... then 3:16 starts popping up EVERYWHERE... the scriptures talk of this type of guy coming and to "beware...." I dont know. He definitely seems to have something shining upon him. Is it Good? or is it Evil covertly operating as the second coming?. I could soooo see this guy 15 years from now leading a ministry of hundreds of millions... then deciding to run for President, getting elected and all of a sudden flames start poofing up and his eyes turn all red and horns sprout of his head. Take a close look at him. Couldnt you see it happening?
Then all of a sudden spaceships come flying down and you see that God and the Angels and all this stuff is from aliens and a huge battle breaks out between the GOoD aliens and the bad aliens (Satan)... OK.. maybe a little too much Ancient Aliens on History Channel HD... but... look at him closely next time the camera zooms in on him. Cant you see him suddenly bursting into flames with a maniacal laugh? and then having all these people droning and following him no matter what? Sorta like Obama a couple of years ago when people just went with this guy despite the warning signs and NO BACKGROUND. Remember when people had were treating him like a Rock Star? .. did you know you can get a real Denver Broncos Jersey that has the #15 and the name of Jesus on the back? they showed people wearing them at the Broncos game the other day.... just food for thought....
DUDE! You SERIOUSLY need to either hop back on the meds or if still taking them have them upped! ;-)
Let me guess, you and the guys at work are all Clemson fans, right? I can see that as a reason for the anti-Christ theory as he DOES kind of have a Clemson-polar style... that "never give up no matter how much the chips are down" attitude.
JUST KIDDING!!! Well, kinda' at least... actually got a good laugh out of this post and do see a bit where you are coming from, though I would think if an athlete is going to be the anti-Christ he should at least be playing a world-wide worshiped sport... like SOCCER! Kind of like folks who automatically assume the anti-Christ will be from the U.S. versus the middle-east. Hard as it is to believe, the world doesn't always revolve around us, though kind of does much or the time. ;)
no meds... but Ancient Aliens is good stuff.... and Damn Right the world revolves around US(us) until someone knocks us out. or we give it away....
Oprah is the anti-christ.. we're safe with tebow
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