Thursday, December 13, 2012

I saw this earlier today and its been all over sports talk on XM this afternoon.... and I ponder this. What would this guy think of me. Am I a cornball brother simply for the fact I "am not down with the cause"? What? And I wonder what he (and the FOOLS who would ask that sorta question or even think like him) will think of my son in 10 years. I dare say he wont be "down with the cause"simply because he is supposed to be lock step in line simply because he is supposedly labeled as black. I am certain any "cause" he is down with will because it is what he thinks is right, not simply because he is supposed to do it because he is black....

... dont you get to date a White girl, Chinese girl, Black girl, Mexican boy or Eskimo boy if you want to? I didnt know you MUST date a black woman and be a Democrat if you are a Black Man in order to be considered cool or someone you wanna hang with? Or does that fly in the face of the myth that all conservatives are angry white men and the only possible cool people are Democrats? and that you must date a black woman in order to be Real and  have Street Cred....

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