last night we were watchin' The Polar Express...I like that movie. It is subtle yet makes several points.
Meanwhile... just pondering the Xmas Season, or rather The Christmas season. I think the commercialization has toned down a notch this year... or maybe we are just getting used to all this stuff. But I think more and more every year I lament that we are constantly bombarded with Mariah Carey "All I want for Christmas..." and less and less of the traditional dare I say religious Christmas songs. If you listen to the 24/7 Christmas channels you hear Santa Claus is Coming to Town over and over and less and less of ANY religious based song. What?... are people afraid they might actually have to think about the actual reason this "season" exist?Look.. I am not an overtly religious guy and I am never going to be hitting church every Sunday, but I do remember why this all happens. And it makes me sad to hear of people getting upset over the mention of a bible verse in Charlie Brown Christmas? How was it alright in 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and now suddenly this is going to make our kids some sorta right wing Obama hating, racist religious zealots? Seriously? whatever happened to talking to your kids and knowing what it is they learned in school and .. if.. it differs from your view, taking the time to teach your view to your kid in your own home? Instead ONE parent deems that they get to dictate to everyone else who or what they should believe instead of that crap... i guess that is why i hear "Do they know it's Chistmas time at all" or whatever that song is that they play 4 times an hour everyday yet might be lucky to hear O Come All Ye Faithful once in a day.... oh well...
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