Friday, June 02, 2006

Tigah town makes bigtime....

...for all the wrong reasons. That girl who was strangled has brought a lot of attention. I feel for her family and I hope justice comes to her and her family soon. All I have to say to the guy who did this...and I doubt he's worrying about reading some blog right!!!!!! . this fool takes the girls ATM card, and immediately tries to use her card at a local bank...AT 3:35AM.... TRIED TO ACCESS THE CARD 4 TIMES AT ONE BANK, AND TWICE AT ANOTHER....WITH A FRAKKIN BAnDANNA OVER YOUR FACE!!!!.... with your SUV in the background... they got your FRAKKIN DNA!!!!!...DUMBASSS!!!!... and guess what...the fact you kept trying to access the card probably means that you thought you knew her well enough to possibly guess the PIN number. and they will have a record of what numbers you tried to use. and I bet you used numbers that only you would only know. I bet...just bet.... they already have an idea. they just are waiting for one of your "buddies" to go ahead and turn your DUMBASS in.


oh, and they found her ID on the side of the road heading out 76 past Tri County Tech. That further narrows down the direction.

... sigh.....


No forced entry...tsk, tsk, tsk....

and of course, you KNOW that there wouldn't be all this attention if it would have been some random black girl killed... instead, we got another blond haired, blue eyed, young, pretty coed plastered all over the place. sigh.... not that it shouldnt merit justice for the woman.


oh...and I must say that I happen to like blond haired, blue eyed, young, pretty coeds....


Anonymous said...

Yeah, hasn't this guy ever watched CSI? I agree, what a dumbass...

Anonymous said...

I heard today that they finally have an ID on this guy. Good news. I think the whole "bikini top" thing got her more coverage than average, too. Well hopefully it will help catch this guy, since he could be anywhere now.