Sunday, March 18, 2007

busy weekend...

...the twins saw Grandma Friday evening/night. We then did I-man's soccer match on Saturday morning. after which we headed down to Columbia for Uncle Wes/Aunt Ashley's reheasal dinner... did the rehearsal dinner, crashed at a local hotel, then did the wedding on Sunday. I took pictures for the wedding and I'm hopin they turned out satisfactory... I will have to do some slight edits to a few pix as outdoor situations and the constant change in lighting creates a challenge...

Ryles was a flower girl and I-man was a ring bearer. I was extremely nervous about them doing the event but they held up fine. But they just have reached the age where the can be trusted to stand still for the 20 minutes it took...

We finally got home a little while ago and Ryles and I-man watched a Thomas the Tran video...on my bed...of course they fell asleep and I've now got to figure out a way to get them to their rooms without waking them up. But the somewhat busy weekend is over...and Ashley is now added to the roster.

On deck for next weekend...headin to Bristol on Saturday with Harwood in the big black ambulance...

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