Thursday, August 14, 2008

The gymnastic stuff.... a little confusing. First, the scoring is whacked. They take deductions for stuff that I just cant figure out. And neither can the people commenting either. Its like if I was to go to Solo and Ensemble , play a 4 minute song, miss one note and squeak once, and get a III. I dont get this stuff... and is it me, or am I remembering things a little different from when I was growing up...used to be I'd watch this gymnastics stuff and you NEVER saw anybody fall, slip, take a step...whatever. may a small step here or there or something. But now you see people crashing into the horse, landing face first into the mats and stuff... same with ice skating. people fall now. Used to never see it. Maybe Wide World Of Sports was just cutting that stuff out or something. And dont give me that "degree o' difficulty" crap. they are all doing stuff I cant dream of even attempting, much less doing....

And I still dont get the 6 year old Chinese chicks... they crash, bobble and get near perfect scores...Everyone else does all these twist, triwls, death defying crap and they have 17 different deductions....

We regret that in the August 13th issue of this blog, i used the word "erstwhile". What was actually meant to be printed was the word "Great" and we retract that statement and ask that you place "Great" instead of "erstwhile"

The Redeem Team is doing what they are supposed to do...took care of business against the dastardly Greeks. Next up, the comedians from Spain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TOO funny! Thought you were blowing smoke in your IM but see you are indeed a man of your word :-)