Thursday, November 20, 2008

a small beef

I have very few things that bother me...but... when I do drop by a fast food joint for a burger and fries, I would appreciate IF YOU WOULD JUST GIVE ME EXACTLY WHAT I ORDERED, ESPECIALLY THE DAD GUMMED, FRAKKIN DIET COKE. NOT COKE... NOT PEPSI... NOT Dr. PEPPER... JUST EXACTLY WHAT I ORDERED...a DIET COKE, WHICH I REPEATED 3 (THREE!!!) TIMES.... A SIMPLE, SUGAR FREE DIET FRAKKIN COKE (or PEPSI)


Sweet T said...

Did Bon Qui Qui take your order?

Anonymous said...

OK, it's time to pull a BH and say "I want a DIET coke, and re-cook all my food fresh, and no I will not pull forward."