Saturday, April 09, 2005

YES network and MLB

So...cable has had this free MLB baseball thingy all week. i have gotten to see the Yankees, Redsox, Mets, Phillies, Nats, etc...on their actual broadcasts. I am actually considering getting this package, although it would be because i would be pulling for those teams, would be to see them lose...probably not a good idea, then...i guess.... but I kinda have always had this begrudging admiration for the Yankees...i will refuse to pull for them, but... there is something about them that attracts me....

Still undecided if I am going to wear a tux or suit to Formal. Initially, i was going to trot out the tux, but... I am anticipating an evening of actual conversation with friends this time, so it might be a longer evening that it normally is for me at these events, so i might just go suit so I can hang out a little more comfortably at the event....

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