Wednesday, June 22, 2005

tidying up....

looks like Rylee will be starting dance lessons this August. Not sure about Ian though...although I am considering it, as it is a useful concept for him, i.e., they have a chance to socialize with others, and also learn to take commands (authority lessons) from someone other than daycare and/or me and jessica. Kinda funny...they will be doing their lessons from Cheryl Hosler, Dr. Hoslers wife and their studio. I had a long conversation with her during lunch and setup lessons for the Fall. why cant a GARBAGE truck driving along the road stop and pick up a random piece of garbage that is sitting in the middle of the road and is causing traffic to have to swerve to miss it?

tryin to do some touch-ups of some photos i took 2 weeks ago. It is amazing what a airbrush can do!!!!

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