Friday, June 17, 2005

upcoming weekend

...think we are heading down to see Jessica's parents this weekend and go out on the "family" pontoon boat. Actually, the boat belongs to Jessica's father and there has been humorous discussion as to his bolting a grill onto the front of the boat. The womenz are all up in arms...I'm like.."its his damn boat. he can do whatever he wants to it."...which seems to be the attitude he is taking. Good for him, I say.

Going to take the camera and try to get some photos of Nanna and Papa with the twins.

Jessica and Brandy are discussing a quick trip to the beach next month or so. That would be fun. I havent been to the beach with friends in several years.... more on this soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Us "womenz" aren't up in arms about the addition to the boat. I enjoyed using it a couple of weekends ago. I'd compare it to a giant spoiler on the trunk of a Honda Civic. Not always aesthetically pleasing, but it does have a purpose. Whatever makes Dad happy.
I am "up in arms" with the audacity of our grandmother to force Wesley to remove it without consulting Dad first. I guess this just is one more occasion that Grandma should have minded her own business.