Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ever wonder why?

why is it that the feeling of getting into bed at 10:30pm is so different than, say, getting into bed at 10:30am? The bed just feels so much better at 10:30am... and its just weird how that works...

I think I have seen a game that i need to get for my Xbox 360. its Burnout Revenge. i downloaded a demo and itseems pretty cool...of course i gotta read up on reviews first before I pull the trigger on a purchase... if anyone has any experience with this game, let me know... i also have toconsider that I-man will want to be playing this as soon as he lays his eyes on it.

I think my legs are just about recovered from how sore they were following the weekend. one more day and i will be fine... and I think I am going to start moving up bedtime from about 11ish every night to 10ish every night. It seems that we are getting p later and later every morning....


Lunchbox said...

I have the PS2 version if you want to play more than the demo. I like it. I'm sure the Xbox 360 version would have better graphics, but I enjoy the game. Worth buying, good for two player as well.

Grandpa said...

ah...replayed the demo briefly again last night...think i will track that down today and pick it up.