Saturday, June 14, 2008

in addition...

... ithink i need to clarify something about my post about Mr Russert. I dont have a problem with Liberals/Progressives/whatever they may call themselves. I actually agree with a lot of that type of idealogy. But I do have an issue with the type of mentality that seems to pervade the people I mentioned in the previous post...that is that anyone Conservative is evil and demented and trying to make everyone god fearing, etc. And the same goes for the Hannity/Limbaugh faction that has all Liberals treehuggin fanatical pansies. I know that the moderates on both sides don't sell, and that is probably at the root of what we see. And I simmply get tired of it being a constant bashing of one side or the other, when it hasnt changed the obvious majority of the country. For all the jumping up and down of Matthews and Olberman, i bet the November vote (as of now) will be 51%/49% Obama over McCain. And it is precarious at best that margin. And limbaugh can scream for the next 5 months all he wants, but the majority out there isnt in either camp fully. I think most people have a strong mix of Progressive/Conservative views, which is how the Clinton AND Bush got elected, and re-elected. At the end of the the day, if you remember back, Bush was considered somewhat a moderate overall for a Republican, just as Clinton was. And if Obama isnt careful, he will lose all those middle of the road votes he was getting in the early primaries.

So... basically, I am just tired of the seemingly sissyfied whining of the "Left". And Russert, while probably pulling the lever for the "Left" when he voted at least presented the facts to me as evenly as possible for me to decide for myself... not slanted. I will miss that.

(the previous representations of Progressives and Conservatives are at times generalizations... I know Brown is in the Obama camp, but I still beleive he thinks clearly despite all his "Green" ramblings...I think he is a mirror of me politically in fact, so that clarifies that)

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