Friday, June 13, 2008


Tim Russert passed away today. This made me somewhat sad as I feel we lost someone who could report political news to us without reporting it slanted to what he thought we should think about it. Now NBC/MSNBC is left to Olberman and Matthews, who basically are not even subtle about who/what/how they believe YOU should think. I mean Chris Matthews wears a Obama T-shirt and runs around with pom poms with an "O" on them everynight. Well, maybe not but it sure seems as though he would if they would let him. Tim Russert, while coming from significant posts on the Democrat side, always seemed to give an objective reporting of the political events. I think at the root of it is that while I am highly sceptical of most people and their motives in the media, be it Hannity, Olberman, Matthews, Oreilly, Limbaugh....Sharpton, Combs...and the numerous others I listen to everyday...I TRUSTED Russert to talk straight and bring me the facts. I sensed he was being fair and down the middle, and held both sides feet to the fire. I will miss that because we are not getting that from ANYONE else. Period. Rest in peace, Mr. Russert.

1 comment:

Zoo Keeper said...