Oh father high in heaven -- smile down upon your son who's busy with his money games -- his women and his gun.-Ian Anderson from....AqualungWhile I was saddened to hear of Tony Snow's passing, it did not have the same type of effect on me. Not that I mean to diminish his accomplishments or his obvious talents. It was different. I did think to the old adage about these types of things coming in threes...
I am glad that I have held my vintage 1984 Jesse Jackson for President T-shirt on the bench, based upon the firestorm his comments brought last week. I didnt comment on those because it really is the tip of the iceberg on what a lot of people in the black community think. Jesse came/comes across as jealous (and he may very well be...i dont know...hard to imagine he isnt though) but the black community was slow to warm to Obama initially because he isnt really seen as "one of us"...jumped on the wagon when he started to win in February, and since then are becoming increasing mistrustful of Obama's very obvious shift away from a buch of stances he initially took. "Change We Can Believe In" seems to be slowly fading as Obama is becoming just like all the other candidates, doing and saying whatever he needs to do to get elected. While I would be doing EXACTLY the same thing as he is, his schtick initially was that he wasnt like all the other candidates...and it is being revealed everyday that he is not the
Change we can
Hope for, but just more of the same thing from the Democrats. But I still am waiting on McCain to see his choice for VP, for I am not sure McCain will see 2012, so might need to see who really will end up Prez by then....
I like NASCAR because it's cool. And if anyone goes to a race, you will be impressed.... but i digress, for I am still wondering why I keep hearing Harry Reid and that scary wild eyed Pelosi screeching about how drilling in new places/more places/old places(whatever that argument is) isnt going to help us and that we wont get anything out of that for 10 years, all the while seeing/hearing people come on TV who are work in that industry everyday who say that they can be drilling actual oil in any location in about a month. I am all for developing other avenues for fuel/power/energy and I think its obvious we need to get away from oil, but...with the overwhelming majority of people in this country living a little bit more than a taxi ride away from work, if the DEMS are willing to drop a $45,000 hybrid car in my yard...wait, make that TWO $45,000 dollar hybrids in my yard, or pay for the solar panels for the roof, or whatever other "green" thing that is hot today...read: expensive, well I'm all for it. But its easy for these politicians to block solutions when they dont have to spend one dime of their own money for gas. As a matter of fact, Obama and McCain are spending MY money for their gas. Wonder when the last time either of them stopped by Exxon or Shell and filled up their car. I 'd love to drive a hybrid, or pursue alternative "green" stuff. But when faced with he scarcity of those options, and the increase in cost of those options, and people blocking any seeming alleviation of my financial burden, I get annoyed. THAT is why OBAMA gets the elitist tag, because its real easy to talk about 72 degree thermostat settings when you dont have to worry about your 72 degree thermostat setting. Bet his kids havent droppeed a bead of sweat or worried about how much a gallon of gas cost, and never will. So we come full circle...When Obama is now speaking (and his speeches have slowly evolved from that HOPE/CHANGE/FINALLY/BELIEVE crap to a I-am-your-savior-I-will-have government-fix-it-all leaning) and telling me that he thinks its sad that we all say "Merci Beaucoup" and I better have my kids speak Spanish, i get annoyed. Its obvious he doesnt do well when he strays from his "script"...
Ok...well, this is all kinda on the surface of a bunch of larger arguments, I guess. McCain is starting to get his act together. Polls today have Obama seeing his 10 point lead gone and its a dead heat. I know the previous paragraph seems to have me leaning toward MCain. But i still remain Independent, hoping someone can make sense and earn my vote. I dont talk much about McCain because..well..aint much to talk about....
The South is still probably the best place to live in the USA, especially here in the area we are in. a somewhat afluent area with very moderate weather, decent sports teams and an easy drive to larger cities. I think things have improved from my parents time to my time to my kids time, and they see a far different time than Idid when I marched into first grade. So its all improving...and as more people like that old man die off, the better it will be....
When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things