Tuesday, July 15, 2008


...I'm sure that my title will have the same effect as the current The New Yorker cover and people will assume that is exactly how i feel....

let me clarify...Do I think the Oil companies have fault with the current gas prices and oil issue. Yes. Do I think that they are drilling everywhere they possibly can???.... I suspect that some are not. Do I think that simply drilling in more places will solve the issue. No? Do i think that oil companies have stymied the growth and research of alternative fuels and energy? Yes. Do i think that our government currently takes away 3 times as much money per gallon as the oil companies do? yes. Do i think that OPEC and the middle east yahoos think that they can contine to squeeze the US because they know that people will block our attempts to get currently needed resources into place? yes. Do I think we need to come up with AFFORDABLE energy sources and put them into play ASAP? yes.

but what am i supposed to do in the meantime. wait for all these alternative things to come into play 10 yers from now. Like i said before, is somebody going to come take my car and replace it with a hydrogen cell car? for free??? wait...let me guess....Obama and the government are going to bail me out, right? Romney is going to buy me an electric car to get me the 60 mile round trip every day for work. right? oh...no..dont think so... Gas has risen 40 percent but my paycheck has definitely NOT followed that rise. I am fortunate that i make a decent living. but it has already changed things for us. And I suspect all of you. But all i hear is that we need to come up with alternative stuff...OK? fine...sounds good to me...seriously. Well, lets get to it. Wait...oh i get it...we need to let the government pay for it, right? which really means that I am going to have to pay for it. ANYWAY, what are we waiting for? Oh I forgot...Hope for Change i can Believe in...yeah...thats it.... meanwhile McCain is stumbling around mumbling something another that I can't understand....

back on point... 44 million acres and only 10 being used by the oil companies. Definitely an issue there. I suspect that a lot of that 34 million doesnt have oil. I also suspect that alot of it does. At some point something has to give... but like i say to Brown... I am not concerned as much with 10 years down the road as I am with tomorrow. Because 10 years from now doesnt come BEFORE tomorrow. And if I am giving larger and larger percentages of my money to my car and my heat water heater for my house, that means less for my kids. like i have said before, i have pretty much all I need. Its all for the kids now.... It seems like I whine about this a lot, but here is the root of the issue. If a 30 dollar trip to see nanna and pappa is now 70 dollars with no end in sight, it becomes a larger issue that has all sorts of long term ramifications....


Anonymous said...

i totally agree with your point, and i have this to say. the internal combustion engine has been around for what over a 100 years, they can make an egine that gets over 100 horsepower for even "everyday" cars (nascar is excluded though i do love me some racin') why can't they make a 6 cyclinder that gets at least 40 - 45 mpg? i bet they can and probably already have but we won't see it for a few more years. i do agree with you though that inflation is going to really squeeze everyone and when it finally works it's way up to the "rich" and the congressional leaders then we will finally see some action until then good luck.


ps. also agree with you on obama (i just didnt' think he would run to the center as fast as he did) and mccain ( i didn't theink he would run as fast to the right as he did)

Anonymous said...

Here! Here!
You guys have it right on target. I have been wondering lately why we are struggling so much from pay check to pay check, penny to penny. Even with a gas card helping us out, we are still pinching. We normally live pretty close to the ledger line, but lately it has been paycheck, bills, grocery store (Aldi- tyring to save!) and then overdrawn bank account. No end in sight. And that of course doesn't even take into account the looming bills that are out there that we can't even touch.

Jerome's Wife