Thursday, February 05, 2009

a repression of "dissent" under the guise of "fairness."

I am glad that Obama seems to be against this Fairness Doctrine bull. I think its funny that almost every liberal, progressive whatever radio show fails. No one listens. Or watches. Almost 3 times as many people watch Foxnews as Msnbc. Is it because the people on the "right" are more entertaining? Hardly not.... and one of the reasons NPR still exists is because it is subsidized by tax money. But politicians and media wanna get all upset that Rush Limbaugh spouts his mouth off and millions of people listen and nod their heads while a a few thousand people tune in to Rachel Maddow whine about how its all Bushs' fault. I sense that Obama sees that he isnt beyond criticism. However, the media is so far invested in Obama that to criticise or have him fail would be an indictment of themselves...

And why is this DTV thing being extended? estimates are about 5 million TV/homes who dont already have cable or sat havent got the boxes they would need. My question is..Why not?.... I havent been able to turn on the TV or watch NBC for more thata 5 minutes over the PAST YEAR without a commercial or crawl across the screen YELLING AT US THAT THE ANALOG SIGNAL WOULD BE GOING AWAY ON FEBRUARY 17TH!!!! if you havent seen this constant announcements and infomercials on NBC and PBS and taken steps by now when you have had almost TWO YEARS to get a box, then I am willing to drop a large amount of money and say that 95 percent of these people wont be ready this summer. You would think that if you were sittin there without cable, and they are telling you that your TV signal is going to stop, that might... just might...make you take notice. And what will happen this summer? ... extend it again?

Micheal Phelps has been suspended from USA swimming for 3 months and has lost a couple of sponsors in reaction to the photos of him taking a puff of the bong down in Columbia. Look... arguments can be made that its stupid for that to be illegal while Alchohol and cigarettes are perfectly fine... but my only question for Mr Phelps is this... "Was she worth it?"

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